Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz

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"What? Something tells me that I'm not in Avalor anymore." Lucina said, looking at a huge valley that was filled with flowers and plants.

In the distance she was able to hear singing. She could easily tell that it was a male and she loved the song and followed the singing.

"Standing on the edge of this mysterious world.

With strange animals and plants that seem to twirl.

So many enchanting things to be found.

I don't know if I'm stuck or bound here.

Standing on the edge of this mysterious world. 


"Mateo?" Lucina said when she found the person singing.

"Lucina? Don't tell me. Leonel got you, too. Or are you just apart of my dream?" Mateo asked screatching his head.

"Your dream? You mean my dream." Lucina said.

"Let's just say it's everyone's dream." A mysterious voice said from behind them.

"Leonel." The siblings said as soon as they saw him.

Lucina glared at him and said, "This is going to feel good."

Lucina ran up to try and hit him but instead she went right through him.

Mateo ran up to his sister and asked, " You ok?"

"I'm good. But, for some reason this grass tastes delicious."

"Ew. That's.....Gross."

Leonel chuckled and sneered, "You are both trapped in a dream. Though I must say, you two have a lovely imagination."

Mateo asked in a firm voice and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"To check on you," Leonel smiled, "To make sure you weren't... Destroyed."

"Why? What do you want from us?"

"Nothing much. I just need to explain to you about a few things. You are very aware that your stuck in a dream, correct?" Leonel asked and the two siblings nodded, "Good. You see it's a good thing you both share the love for music, magic, and a few other things. I mean you two could have had a world full of villians or a war happening. But, you chose a safe environment."

"So?" Lucina mumbled under her breath.

"So, you  have a lower chance of disappearing."

"Disappearing? What are you talking about?" Mateo asked.

Leonel only chuckled and that chuckle soon turned into an insane laugh, " Oh, Mateo. So, full of questions. The only way for you to disappear is if you fail or simply get wounded."

"What?" Lucina gasped in terror.

"Why are you doing this!?" Mateo asked in a confident voice.

"Like I said. To teach you a lesson."

"Is this like Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz? Do we have to click our heels? I wish we can be home, I wish..." Lucina was cut off by Leonel.

"No!" He screamed but then calmed himself down, "No. My magic doesn't work that way. All you have to do is follow..."

"The White rabbit. Wait, no. The yellow brick road." Lucina said in a comedic way.

Mateo tried his best to hold in his laughter.

"No more fairy tale stuff," Leonel said and changed his voice to a light a soft voice, "I was about to say all you have to do is follow your heart."

Lucina drops her jaw and just stammers, " But...But, you said...No more...Ugh! Why are you giving us something mushy and...And disgusting?!"

"Because when you follow your heart you can do just about anything."

Leonel took his cloak off and they finally saw who he was. He was just a teenager and in between Mateo's and Lucina's age. He looked like a kind hearted boy and that he almost looked a little nerdy. He had black hair with icy blue eyes and had the same skin tone as most avalorans. He soon began singing.

"When you follow your heart.

You can get just about anything.

Life's like a work of art.

You have to choose the colors before you get stinged.

La da dee dum.

All you have to do is follow your heart.

And all your dreams will come true.

You better hurry before it comes and get you like a dart.

Always try something new.

La da dee dum..." 

Leonel vanished like the Chesire Cat leaving Mateo and Lucina confused.

"Did that made any sense to you?" Mateo asked.

Lucina shook her head and said, "I got nothing. He made no sense. And that song...it seems a little..."


"Exactly. Do you think he's the Chesire Cat?"

Mateo shook his head and answered, "No. But, he's weird like one."

Lucina couldn't help but laugh, "Now. All we have to do is follow...our hearts. How are we...ooh. A white rabbit. Maybe that'll help us."

"Wait, Lucina! Ugh! And now she's chasing white rabbits. Why couldn't she be born normal? Lucina, wait up!"

The two chased the white rabbit and what they didn't know was that they were soon entering a dark forest...

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