Magic Thief!

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"I can't get a word out of Leonel. He's nothing but a riddle. Maybe he...What? What happened to Lucina?" Renato said taking Lucina's hand. He looked at her face and saw a bloody scar across her left eye.

"What do you...Mean? How did that happen?" Naomi asked and then glared at Gabe.

"Why are you glaring at me?" Gabe asked nervously.

Naomi walked over and crossed her arms, "You were suppose to keep an eye on them! And now look! She now has a bloody scar! Thanks to you." Naomi yelled.

"Why do I have to keep guard 24/7? I thought we were taking turns! It was your turn to watch them so it's your fault!" Gabe argued.

The two argued over each other.

"Gabe! Naomi! Enough! We need to work together!" Elena shouted but wasn't loud enough.

"I got this. Silencio por favor!" Renato screamed and everyone was quiet, "What? When you have a mom who won't stop shouting all the time you can have a very loud voice. When needed of course."

"How about you don't use that voice ever again when indoors. I think I'm going deaf." Naomi said rubbing her ears.

Renato looked at Lucina and saw she was moving and mumbling "no". He quickly held her hand and she seemed to have calmed down. He examined her and noticed a drawing on her arm. It had the initial L with a Cheshire Cat like smile around it. He soon saw Mateo's arm glow and saw the same marking placed on his arm.

"An L plus a Cheshire Cat smile equals," He gasped at the thought of the name, "Leonel."

Renato bursted through the doors and ran out.

"Where are you going?" Gabe asked.

"None of your business! Just watch Lucina and Mateo this time." Renato said running down the hall.

Renato ran to Leonel's prison cell and found him smiling his famous Cheshire smile.

"So, you figured what I'm doing to your precious Lucina." Leonel grinned.

"What are you up to?" Renato growled.

"Oh, Renato," Leonel just laughed, "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Answer me." Renato said pulling his wand out.

"Oh, Renato. You don't want to do that. If you did you would have become your mother. But, all I have to say is that their powers are in my hands."

Renato raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"

"You see their powers are slowly coming to me. And you need a special gift to be able to cast a single spell on a wand or a tamborita. And that gift is coming to me. And if you really cared for Lucina you would have saved her by now." Leonel taunted only to make Renato angry.

"I am!" Renato shouted and calmed himself down, "It's just you are not helping us. Now either you help us or you're going to be stuck in this dungeon for the rest of your life."

"I wouldn't mind. It's like a vacation just staying here in the dungeon. I love it here. So, I'm never helping you. Only by riddles or song. So, you better hurry. Time's running out. And midnight is going to arrive in about 5 hours. Not enough time. So, bye. Tick tock. Tick tock.."


"Ta-ta. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Leonel laughed insanely and Renato muttered how he was like the Cheshire Cat mixed with the Mad Hatter. He was nothing but a riddle.

Renato made it back to Elena's room and looked at Lucina.

"Where did you go?" Elena asked.

"The dungeon. Leonel is stealing their magic. We have to find a way to save them.  And fast. We only have 5 hours til midnight." Renato said and held Lucina's hand.

"Don't worry. We'll save them." Elena assured Renato.

"I hope you're right. Lucina means the world to me. I couldn't bear to live without her." Renato blinked his tears away and thought of something. He remembered that his mother gave him a book about different curses that can be cast, "Wait. I think I might have a way to save them both." Renato said and ran towards the door.

"Where are you going now?" Naomi asked.

"I'm going to get my spell book that's full of different hexes and curses." Renato answered with a grin of his own and was hoping, as he was running, that he'll be able to save his friends from eternal slumber.

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