Rise 'N Shine

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   You stirred awake to the sounds of the jungle that sang behind you. The composition of the jungle contained the longing tweets, and whistles of the many tropical birds that lay hidden within the grove. As you pushed your feet into the soil that was mixed with sand, and sat up. To your surprise the mighty "Tamatoa" was no where in sight. 

    Your body ached from passing out on the coarse ground, and dried sand fell down your skin with every movement. However, the ground seemed to be much more welcoming than Tamatoa. The idea of him coming back daunted you, so you stood up and gazed at your surroundings. You studied your surroundings watching for a tan man, with dark hair. Nothing seemed abnormal so you ventured into the jungle top get away from this narcissistic freak. 

    However, in that moment as you entered the jungle you wondered if maybe the jungle was just as dangerous as Tamatoa. What if your fiance' is coming after you to save you from this weirdo? Well.. honestly that's unlikely. Unfortunately, you doubted he would come for you due to the poor treatment you had received from him. The fact that you are missing may as well just be a relief for him. 

   You stayed amongst the edge of the jungle where it receded to the beach to avoid getting completely lost. Eventually you came upon foot prints that resembled Tamatoa's size. A stone formed in your stomach, as you became nervous. His footprints were in front of you, but where was he now? Quickly, you whipped your head in all directions. When suddenly you heard rustling within the grove, and you dove behind a sizable rock. The rock was just the right size to hid your frame. 

   With anticipation there were footsteps approaching from the grove. 

"I saw you, so you don't have to hide. I'm done playing games." He commanded. 

Behind the rock, you remained silent hoping that he would walk away thinking that you escaped when his voice sounded again.

"Ughh, I thought we had a bond going on? We were having a wonderful conversation about ME last night till YOU passed out." 

His frustration amused you, and you gave a hushed giggle. 

"Oh come on! I know your around here somewhere..." He said as he continued to scour for you. 

You found a small rock, and chucked it towards a bush hoping to distract him. 

"This is ridiculous, I'm not falling for that. Go ahead throw another rock and give yourself away. Please make this easier for me." He mocked. 

To your luck, he had his back turned. So you peeked over the boulder and threw a pebble at his back, and ducked back down. 

You couldn't hold in your giggles anymore, and they became louder than before. 

The foot steps came close to your spot, as he leaned over the boulder and stared down at you. 

"Wow you are dumb.. I can't believe you took that seriously." 

You looked up to meet his aquamarine eyes. "Oops.." 

"Oops indeed dinner."

"I have a name you know.." You mumbled. 

"And that's dinner right?" 

"No.. it's (Y/N)"

"(Y/N)... Sounds just like dinner. They are exactly the same." He teased. 

"Look this has been fun, and I saved your life. But I want to go home.." You said.

"Wow mood killer. Umm.. No. You see, I refuse to be stranded on this island by myself. Also isn't home where those bruises came from?"

You covered your bruises with one hand "That's none of your business, and you being stranded here isn't my problem." 

He grabbed your free wrist "But You are the scallop who dragged me to this island in the first place" he spat 

"I saved your life!" 

"I didn't ask you to!" he asserted "Why did you save me..". 

"I thought your ship was the most magnificent vessel I had ever seen.. I've seen a lot of ships but yours is grand, and beautiful. Then I saw you, and I thought maybe since you didn't fire harpoons at me right away that you were friendly. You had the chance to kill me and you didn't. So I assumed maybe you weren't a bad guy, and that you didn't deserve to die in the storm like that..."

He was silent, until he spoke again "Look I'm used to compliments. However, nobody has ever thought that I could be ... good... Let's be real. I have murdered, and I've eaten my own kind. Well on top of all the stealing. I'm just a fabulous criminal in all honesty. If there was any good within me, I wouldn't be who I am." 

"But you keep calling me dinner, but you don't eat me.." 

"Well, you are the first mermaid I've ever seen. I don't want to kill the only mermaid I'll ever see. the next one I will kill however, and probably eat." 

You were taken back by his comment about eating the next mermaid he finds "What?"

"Maybe I should eat your fiance'" he teased again "Then you could be all mine" he said with a flirty tone. 

Your cheeks flushed, even though you were suddenly enraged. This conversation just took an unexpected turn. 

Pirate!Human! Tamatoa X Mermaid!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now