Into The Sea

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You always swam just below so that the rays of sun would warm your skin. Home was never far, however you wish it was. You always imagined a life somewhere else, beyond these endless waves. Where you (Y/C) tail, was maybe something else. Something new.

You popped your head above the water to gaze at an incredible sight. A massive ship that could have been carrying an entire population. The sails were trimmed with gold, and many of the fixtures on the ship were outlined in gold as well. You gasped at such a beautiful sigh as you mumbled to yourself "So shiny".

You started to move forward but as you did, a cold strong hand grabbed you from behind. 

"Where do you think your going (Y/N)?" A harsh voice filled your ears.

You turned around to face your current fiancé. Your families had arranged a marriage between the two of you, and you had no choice but to comply.

"I-I wasn't going anywhere" You tried to say steadily.

He scoffed at your response "Yeah right, I know your lying." Looked at you, then the ship. "You know those beings kill us.. Why would you want anything to do with them (Y/N)?".

"It's not them I'm concerned about.. Look at how shiny the ship is.. It's completely captivating.." You said with a sigh "I've never seen such a beautiful work of art".

"If they knew that you were looking at their ship they would kill you without a thought (Y/N)!" He harshly spat.

"Well they don't! So..Ha!" You said back to his face. However, just as you said that I heard venomous laughter in the distance. My heart dropped, as you turned around to see the ship closer than it was before.

"Quick!" shouted (H/N) "Get behind this rock with me!".  You listed and decided to take cover with him. Even though he was harsh to you most of the time, there was still a small part of him that did genuinely care. He tightly grasped your shoulder, a death grip that was slightly painful and made you flinch. He then whispered in your ear "Do..not..move..or make..a sound..".

The ship was certainly coming closer, but was avoiding the rock due to the damage it would cause. From what you could see, you could start to make out tall dark figures among the main deck. One stood out from the rest, as he walked up some stairs to the forecast deck. He had Gold and black tattoos, and wore an array of gold jewelry. His ears were pierced, and even had a septum piercing in his nose. This hair was thick and fell just to his shoulders, and even his hair had gold in it. He was a thicker man, but definitely had a strong build. He also appeared to be missing a leg, but the peg leg that was there to replace it was also gold.

You leaned towards your fiancé, and teasingly whispered "That guys got an obsession with gold eh?" you slightly giggled.

His death grip tightened purposely hurting you "Sounds like you with your shiny things" he said harshly "Now shut up or your going to get us killed".

You sighed and whispered innocently "Would you loosed the grip on my shoulder.. its really starting to hurt".

"No" he spat back and gripped it so tight that he cause you to let out a yelp of pain that echoed across the water. He then glared at you as if you just sentenced him to death.

You looked back to the ship and noticed that the dark shiny figure peering over at the rocks you and (H/N) were hiding behind.

You felt the grip on your shoulder ease, and slowly fade away. You let out a sigh of relief, and when you turned to thank (H/N) he was gone. Panic spread across your face, as you hid deeper in the rocks to avoid confrontation. You were never a sneaky swimmer, and the ship was so close that if you took off in the water you would surely be seen and killed.

You reached over yo some muddy moss that had been growing along the crevices of the rock, and rubbed it on your (Y/C) skin to help you blend in. You could heard the roar of many voices aboard the ship.

There was a tug at your tail beneath the water, as you looked down you realized it was your fiancé. You let him slowly pull you beneath the water, and then you were face to face with him beneath the waves. You gave him a grateful smile, then you slapped him "How could yu leave me up there by myself?!" you spat.

"I figured you'd follow my lead, however, you didn't and it surprised me to see you were still alive. Those guys were sure to see you..I don't know how they didn't".

"Maybe it was my amazing mossy camouflage" you said proudly.

"It definably wasn't that (Y/N)" He said back.

"What do you think they are doing out here?" you asked.

"They are either hunting for gold, or fish. That's just what I think though" He replied.

-----------------------------------ON THE SHIP-------------------------------------------------------

"Captain! What the hell! You let them get away!" Spat a crew member.

The captain glared at the crew member "Listen barnacle" he said in a smooth voice that suddenly turned dark "What I say Goes.. Plus, we have plenty of meat and food in our hold".

Barnacle growled and tested the Captain "Those were you have any idea how rare those are?!".

The captains gaze remained calm as he replied "Do you think I'm stupid? Of course I know that. But I don't want anything that disgusting in my mouth. The thing was rubbing itself in mud and moss. The creature clearly was brain dead and had no clear idea of what art is."

Barnacle looked annoyed "So you didn't want to catch the mermaid..because she was rubbing herself in moss and mud..".

"Precisely, I could never have something that unglamorous in my stomach" he replied "Trust me Barney, I have taste" he said as he motioned toward his golden robe around his waist.

The whole crew seemed o be irritated with the captains decision, but most knew not to question him. Barney was his only somewhat friend, even though the captain had no problem putting himself first.

The captain began to walk to his cabin when Barney's voice came from behind him.

"Captain Tamatoa, next time you pass up a chance to capture a mermaid. I'm going in and doing it myself" he growled.

Tamatoa slightly turned and with a flick of his thick hair he replied "Ohohohoho~! I dare you!" He said with a growl. Then turned back and continued to walk to the captains quarter's. As he walked into the room he gazed out his window watching you and your fiancé swim away he mumbled "I think I'll meet you again someday fish dinner".

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