-The Day Of The Wedding-(MCA)-

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+_Shintaro's POV_+

Today, it was the happiest day of my life...yet also the saddest...the door opens to reveal her, she had the most beautiful smile, I smiled to her beautiness, wanna hear a story? A story between the two of us.

We met at school like an ordinary person would ever meet, I didn't really care about her back then...


The teacher introduced the Transfer Student, she had pretty brown hair, shinning brown orbs, and a smile that would make everyone's day better than it is.

"Class, this is Ayano Tateyama, be nice to her." The teacher said.

"Sit beside Shintaro Kisaragi, Ayano." The teacher added.

Ayano made her way towards me, when she got beside me, she greeted me.

"Good Morning, Shintaro-kun." Ayano greeted but I just ignored her.

Back To Reality

She was always the one beside me, annoying me, she was a sweet girl...I would always try to shoo her away but she was determinated to stay by my side.


"Shintaro-kun!" An annoying female voice called me.

"What do you want idiot?!" I shouted at her.

"Wanna eat lunch together?" She asked cheerfully, ignoring my harsh words.

"Tch. Why would I eat with an idiot like you? Go away!" I shouted at her, when I was about to leave, she took my hand and gave me the most annoying yet irresistable puppy eyes.

"Pleeeaaasssseeee!" She pleaded, with those puppy eyes.

"Fine! Fine! I'll eat lunch with you! Just stop looking at me like that!" I shouted.

"Yay!!" She cheered.

Back To Reality

She held the bonquet flowers happily, as she almost cried tears of joy, while walking to the altar.

She was smiling happily, walking happily, everything seemed to slow down, like slow motion...

When I was with her, I was happy even when I didn't realize it...When I met the Takane amd Haruka, I was cold towards them, but she...she was cheerful as ever.


When we were walking the hallways of the class we are gonna be at next year, Ayano was babbling about how her Father works here and all.

We came across a Science lab, we heard voices, 2 voices, 1 boy and 1 girl...The girl seemed to be shouting and the boy seemed to be apologizing...Must be a Lover's Quarrel, better get me and Ayano out of that.

"Ayano-" I was too late...she already opened the door to the science lab, we saw them, a boy with black hair and a girl with pigtails and black hair.

"Ah, h-hi...." The boy greeted, the girl 'Tch'-ed Ayano which made me a little furious.

"H-Hi...what are you two shouting about?" Ayano asked.

"Oi...Ayano? Do you know about Private Life?" I asked her.

"Yeah...why?" She asked me while she tilted her head.

"Oh, I don't know! Probably they're having a so-called Lover's Quarrel." I said which made the girl blush hard.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Ayano!"

Back To Reality

She stood in front of me, with tears forming on her eyes, she was smiling happily, I smiled back a few tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

"I made it, Shintaro-kun, to the happiest day of my life...." Ayano said with her tears on the corner of her eyes.

"Yes, I'm happy for you, Ayano..." I said as I smiled at her.

I watched her walk away to her husband, Haruka....It broke my heart....I wanted to tell you....I really really wanted to, I wanted to tell you on that day....On the day that I pushed you away, on the day we stopped talking, on the day...you cried for the first time, Ayano....I've always been...but I guess it was too late.

The two of them stood in front of the altar, she glanced at me and smiled, I smiled back at her when she turned back, I let a few tears roll...





















I love you, Ayano.

I wiped the tears and smiled my brightest....She was happy and I was satisfied with that, I can be happy with that.

I actually kinda felt like a good cry, I mean...no nevermind, I'm sorry if you don't find this sad (^-^) I really tried my best (;--;) anyways this is the first time I nearly kinda cried.

Anyways I hope you Enjoyed the story :)


Words Counted: 741

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