Chapter 2

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Call kicked the snow as he trodded on into the forest, as the trees slowly blocked the moonlight. What he didn't know was that this was the day his life would change forever.

Aaron and the search party of masters formed by Rufus (including Tamara) was in the forest, using their powers to make small spheres of light. Aaron and Tamara walked in front of them as they did the same, hoping to find Call but to no avail. Of course, within the mere seconds, a maniac like laugh could be heard. Feeling worried, the crew ran to the source of the sound, only to see Alex standing in front of a lifeless body. "CALL!" Aaron yelled in fear as he ran towards the body.

The masters constrained Alex and made sure that he didn't cause anymore damage. Call's grey eyes stared right into space, not moving a single bit. Aaron felt for Call's pulse while Tamara looked for any sort of movement. Call's pulse was a very soft one but it was definitely his pulse. Sighing a small sigh of relief, he pulled Call up and hugged him, apologizing over and over about what he did. Of course, Call was pretty much unconcious so Aaron piggybacked him all the way back to the Magisterium. On the way, Alex kept mentioning things like "Call won't remember a thing.." "NOW CHAOS WILL BE GONE" and pretty much anything along those lines.

As they reached the infirmary, Aaron gently laid Call's still unconcious body on one of the beds there and the nurse immediately tended to him. He had been hit with too much energy and the chances of him surviving the night were very low. Aaron flinched at the thought that Call would...die....because of something he said. But then, another voice in his head told him that Call was very strong and that he'll be fine.

Aaron and Tamara decided to stay with Call and checked on him occasionally before taking a short rest. Just as Aaron was about to rest, Call's heartbeat stopped immediately, falling into a cardiac arrest. Aaron and Tamara were shocked and scared and the nurse told them to go out so she could tend to Call. After around 1 hour passing by like the cold wind blowing on the two students' faces, the nurse came out and shook her head.

Aaron, knowing exactly what this meant, rushed into the room, only to see Call's body covered with a white sheet. Aaron lifted the sheets off of Call and saw him just lying there. Immediately, thoughts of what he said rushed into his mind. 'NOBODY LIKES YOU, NOBODY WANTS TO BE YOU!' was probably the last thing Call ever heard..

Tamara sobbed uncontrollably into Aaron's shirt, hurt from the fact that one of her best friends was gone. Aaron patted Tamara's back, in an effort of comforting her.....


HEY GUYS! This was supposed to be a short story. Don't kill meh pls. XD Anyways, it was fun writing this, and I hope you enjoyed this two part story! BYEEEEE~☆

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