Aiden snapped a few photos. As he looked down at what he'd taken, he shrugged. "You aren't wrong."

"I have a lifetime of this to look forward to, don't I?" Oliver asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

Aiden pressed a quick kiss to Oliver's lips. "No doubt.'

A beeping sound broke the perfect silence around them. "How am I getting signal?" Oliver sounded astounded. He pulled out his phone and had to take off his glove to be able to open the facetime.

Aiden pushed his face into the frame. He was greeted with an excited looking Rosie. "It worked!" she screamed. "I've been trying to facetime with you two for hours!"

"Is everything at the house okay?" Oliver asked. He sent Aiden a worried look.

They had allowed Rosie to stay in their house for the three weeks they were gone. She basically lived there now anyway, so it wasn't any different to usual for them. Aiden had encouraged Oliver to spend more time with Rosie, and somehow she became an integral part of their lives in a matter of months. She and Aiden spent hours listening to music that Oliver hated, and Oliver finally got the relationship with his sister that he always wanted. Aiden knew that he couldn't have his brothers in his life, but having Rosie made that a little bit easier to swallow. She was like a sister to him, and he loved her with all he had.

"Yeah, the housesitting part is chill as," Rosie said with a shrug. "It's Oscar that's driving me crazy."

Aiden could see their rescue dog running around crazily in the background. "What has he done this time?"

Rosie's eyebrows furrowed. "He peed on the couch!"

Aiden sighed. He loved that dog to pieces, but the poor thing could never control his bladder.

"It's okay, just spray it and wash it out," Oliver told her.

Rosie rolled her eyes. "I did that hours ago. It's fine now, I just wanted to complain."

Aiden laughed. "How many parties have you had while we've been gone?"

Rosie shrugged. "Only like five. I tried to organise an orgy too but it's just got too complicated."

"it's nice to know that we've left our house and dog in safe, responsible hands."

Rosie smiled into the camera. "You know it."

Aiden shook his head. He knew perfectly well that she had spent the last few weeks on the couch watching Netflix. He didn't have anything to worry about.

"How's New Zealand treating you?" She asked. Oliver turned the camera around. Rosie gasped. "Oh my gosh, are you two in heaven?"

"You should come with us next time."

"Who will clean up after Oscar if his entire family is hiking through the mountains half a world away?"

"I'm sure Chase and Emerson would be happy to housesit."

Aiden still didn't know how those two lived in the tiny, worn apartment that he and Chase used to live in. When Chase had told Aiden he had asked her to move in, Aiden was sure she would have made them move in less than a week, but somehow she managed to decorate that place so much that if felt like a real home.

"Do you want to say hello to Oscar?" The men nodded and Rosie started running around the house, chasing after the dog. "Come here, it's your fathers!"

Aiden laughed. He turned to Oliver. "How are we going to tell her we are adopting another one?"

Oliver smirked. "She'll get over it. It's not like we are having a baby."

"Yet," Aiden said with a wink. He was half joking, and was surprised when Oliver only nodded back in total seriousness.

Rosie was still running around the house. "He thinks it's a game now!" she huffed into the phone, out of breath.

Aiden rested his head on Oliver's shoulder. "It's okay we will see him in a week."

Rosie started talking to Oscar who must have been in the doorway. Aiden saw a sliver of the wall behind her. It was one of the many changes that Aiden had made to the house they now shared. The entire wall was covered in canvas photos of them. It was in chronological order. The top left corner was the photo with a sliver of Oliver's arm in it, then next to it was one of Oliver staring out at the sea. Those first two photos were before they had even exchanged a word, and yet they had set in motion a cascade of events that led to Aiden finding his soul mate and realising his true potential.

The second was from their first date, when Oliver had taken a photo of Aiden on top of that rock. The photos continued halfway down the wall, where more photos would go. There would be photos of a wedding in eight months' time. Then captured moments of a honeymoon. Then, maybe even a tiny little bundle bound to bring even more adventure into their lives. Aiden couldn't wait.

They finished up the phone call. Aiden wrapped his arms around Oliver and pressed his face into his chest. Oliver hugged him back. Out the corner of his eye, Aiden could see the endless horizon ahead of him and he knew that everything he had been through had led him to there, to that exact moment.

He couldn't wait to start his married life with Oliver, but their story would never start there. Their story started with that photo on the wall and they would live their lives, one snapshot at a time, until that wall was full and no more photos of Oliver could be captured. That would be the last day Aiden would ever take a photo, because there wasn't any beauty in the world without Oliver by his side.

The End.

Make sure you follow my profile to find all of my other works and keep updated on future projects. My works so far include multiple boyxboy completed stories so feel free to check them out! 

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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: click through to the next chapter to find the info on where to find the bonus chapters for this story! I've just posted one!

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