Chapter 2 ditchers

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"what did she want"

Cynthia said in a quiet voice to make sure that Ms. Perchum couldn't over  hear are conversation.

"oh nothing really, she just said  I need to get my grade up to an A instead Of B+ so I can get into my Honors society program."

 No one else was really in the hallway, we didn't care though, all we had next was Gym. The most boring class ever, we had Mr. Rashoon a midle-aged latin American man who looked as if he couldn't do half of the stuff he was making us do. Today was the mile run and I couldn't think of one reason why i\I would want to do that.

I swear if Cynthia wasn't a year older than me should could be my twin, because whenever I think of the most original idea, she spits it out 2 secnds before I do.

"Want to ditch? I drove my car today, we can get get a slice at Cici's."

"Sure why not, there is nothing better to, I'll meet you by your car, let me just put my stuff away."

I went to my locker, and jammed my stuff into it. As I grabbed my dark jean jacket and a pony tail a strict voice wrang through out my head.

"And why exactly are you not in class Ms.Sonea, I thought I just talked to you about getting your grades up, and skipping classes is not going to do anything to help with that."

"I-I was just"

"To the deans office, now."

The hallways had just about no noice exept the small pitter patter of my tennis shoes hitting the floor and the click clack of Ms. Perchum's heels hitting the floor when she walked. If she hadn't been a teacher I think she would have been a circus clown, her obviously died hair was so blonde it was almost white, and it had this wierd glow to it that made you thing she fell into a dumpster filled with toxic waist. and her make-up was way over done she had dark purple eye shadow and fake eyelashes the were most likely an inch long, but the worst of all her lips. her lips made her look absolutley horrifing, almsot as if her last meal was a glass of blood, if i ever saw Ms. Perchum late at night, I would run, fast.

"And why is it you are hear?"

Tthe dean asked in a nochelant way not even paying attention to me but instead to Ms. Perchum, really this was probably the most discusting thing I have ever seen, but I spoke anyway.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

Mr. Poca sighed and without a second thought he agreed. As I stepped outside of his office I could here the slight murmer of two 50 year old teachures flirting. I slowley picked up my pace, Mr. Poca would soon figure out that I wasn't going to come back. I rounded a corner, so far Ihave made it 7 classrooms. Then right as I was about to turn the corner to make it to Cynthia's car, Wam. All I could see now was the top of someones shoes and books all over the floor.

"I am so sorry, I just got lost and-"

His sweet voice filled my ears as I took his offering hand and stood up.

"Oh thats ok its really my fault, do you need any help finding a classroom-"

"Bryan is my name, and actually yes can you tell me where Mr. Rashoon's class is, um I think he is the Gym teachure"

"Oh thats actually where I'm headed, I can walk you there, if you want."

"Um sure, that would be lovley"

His British accent filled my ears with delight, who knew someone could sound handsome?

We walked all the way to gym, and by the time we got there I felt like I had known Bryan for years. His favorite colors were blue and green, his mother and father died in a car wreck when he was a baby and he is now living with his grandparents, even though his life was rather upseting, he still smiled like nothing had happened. I walked to the dressing room thinking about his perfect brown hair and his gorgous half crooked smile, when my phone buzzing cut off my train of thought, it was Cynthia asking me where I was.

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