Tape Øne, Side A (REWRITTEN!)

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REWRITTEN AS OF 25/04/2017! Fic entirely updated!! Please read for new story content!


Two weeks ago, Tyler Joseph killed himself.

Today, Joshua Dun received a box of tapes. No sending address, no note, and no return address.

Let's track the day back to the morning, when Josh had school.

His mother dropped him in and tried to coax a conversation out of him, to talk about the situation, because as any mother knew, keeping it bottled up is dangerous. Josh kept it a closed box. There was nothing to talk about. Nothing at all.

Slinging his backpack onto his shoulder, he left the car and walked onto the schools quad, where people were walking around as though someone in their school year hadn't just killed themselves. Josh couldn't really understand why people were acting as though they were just...forgetting, about this. This wasn't something to forget about. This was serious! A boy at this school stepped onto the ledge of the roof of his apartment block, fell backwards and killed himself. Why were people brushing over this?

"Hey, Josh, are you okay?" Josh blinked and focused his attention again. Colin was talking to him. Colin is a nice guy, he's someone you can trust. Ever since the news broke, he's been talking to Josh more making sure he's okay and checking up on him.

"Ye-yeah, I'm okay." Josh said. "Gotta get to class," he said, dismissing any questions from the boy and making an exit to walk into the main building.

Josh slowed his steps as he walked into the school building, taking his time as he walked past the one locker that had turned into a mural for the deceased boy. He read the messages on his locker as he passed, walking into his home room class.

Josh was lacking, slightly, in attention. He was gazing all over the room, at the loud clock that was tick, tick, ticking incessantly, and at the scratching of pens and pencils on paper. At the clicking of the teachers projector remote controlling the slides on the screen, too.

However his interest peaked when he saw 3 figures, 2 looking very distraught, one solemn and holding a slip of paper in his hand.
"Excuse me, sir?" Josh called out. "C-can I go to the nurses room?" He held onto his head and hissed. "I've got a headache."

The teacher said nothing and pointed to the hall pass, which Josh took without hesitation and walking out of the classroom. He recognised only one figure - Chris Joseph. The other, he had no idea of who it was. She was medium heighy, blonde, for a moment he thought it may have been Tyler's mother, but she didn't look old enough.

"Could Mrs. Joseph not attend today?"

"Well, she could, however she couldn't bring herself to come. So Maddy decided to stay down a couple more days from college and come along with me."

So that's who the blonde was - Tyler's sister. He wouldn't have known, had he not have overheard the conversation that echoed in the corridors. They were here to collect the belongings of their son and brother.

When the locker door eventually opened, Maddy looked into the locker. She saw that there were corners of photographs trapped under sellotape, as though they were ripped off with force. "Who removed all of his photos...?" She reached out to one of the pieces of tape and peeled it off. There was a feint sky blue colour in the remains of the picture, with a smattering of brunette hair flying, as though it was caught up in the wind.

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