A/N! Rewriting chapters!!!

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Hey everyone!! I've been talking to a friend of mine who has been reading along and we have both come to the agreement that this is all a little too similar to the TV show, which really doesn't do my story any justice, because I have amazing ideas for this. So I am rewriting the first couple of chapters which will incorporate the new story line into this book. If you could bear with me and give me all of your love and support whilst I rewrite, I'll be forever grateful. There will be probably be a lot of changes, so if I could ask you all, when i republish the chapters, if you could read over all of the chapters just so you're up to speed all the changes. They aren't going to be minor changes, I'm going to be rewriting and making it entirely original, because after reading over the chapters a few times, I've grown a little bit of a distaste for what I already have. 

This is for my benefit and your reading benefit, so if you could be patient, I'll appreciate it very much.

Love you all


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