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The narrow corridor that I'm currently being very politely dragged through has cement walls and a smooth floor, as well as a low ceiling that's lined with small, inserted light bulbs down the middle in a single strip. The dim light bounces our shadows across the walls and floor behind us as we progress closer and closer to the place in question. It seems like we've been walking forever now in this underground cluster of tunnels and empty rooms. "Keep walking," the guard snaps impatiently when I trip slightly from dizziness. I narrow my eyes at him but will my feet to keep up their stagnant pace. My vision swarms before my golden eyes once more. But there's no reason for the spinning room, is there? I drank who knows how many bottles of blood before coming here, so it can't be because of hunger. And that raging scorching that usually snakes up my throat has yet to manifest itself. Suddenly the corridor splits open into a vast, familiar room. Rows and rows of metallic shelving units hold sealed boxes on a large scale. We mutely make our way through them before stopping in front of an upwards staircase. When I simply stare at it, the guard grows agitated and pushes me from behind, so that I nearly trip on the first step. I listen to the echo of my soft steps on the smooth staircase, and the gentle brush of my silky robe over its surface. I feel it spill behind me like a wedding gown, a light weight that flows from my waist. The spiral staircase goes round and round until I'm sure that I'm going to faint, as it does nothing to diminish the dizziness. 

I break free of the staircase and stare up at the circular, domed, glass roof and walls of the vast room. The moon casts brilliant rays of silver through the crystal, letting the colour explode in an eerie cacophony of white on the smooth floor. That same, clear bowl rests in the centre of the expanse, right underneath the peek of the dome. And that same chair sits beside it, making the two objects seem like the ultimate, villain duo. A shiver travels down my body and makes me freeze as a soft humming suddenly echoes. I jump when a weightless hand comes down on my shoulder, and spin around, only to take a step back. The floating woman, dressed in her crimson robes and her black bob ornating her neck, reaches out towards me again with a pointed finger. I gasp when I see the talon-like nail at the end of it. My eyes lift to her white, empty ones, and suddenly I'm being dragged backwards by an invisible force. I try to battle against her hold but her powers render me completely vulnerable, paralysing my limbs until I'm forced down into the chair. Out of nowhere, shadowy tentacles travel up the legs of the chair and come around to circle my wrists and ankles, trapping me to the splintery wood. I wince as a hard edge cuts into my arm, and when I look down the slightest trace of blood has already marred through the white silk. The light robe that lays on my body seems to float around the foot of the chair like a cloud, dancing in an imaginary wind. The woman makes her way towards me, bare feet lifted from the ground, and while she simply continues that haunting humming, she traces a taloned nail down my cheekbone. I shove my face to the side, trying in vain to escape her boiling touch. It feels like she'd burned me with flamboyant lava. 

"Hmm," she sings softly, voice rising up to match those of angels. She's everything but. She leans forward until our lips are mere millimetres apart, and I squeeze my eyes shut until pain explodes behind my closed lids. But then the most gentle of feelings sweeps over my arm. I open my eyes again and look down, avoiding her glassy, empty gaze. The red blood that had seeped through my sleeve from the splinter in my arm is gone, along with the bite of the wood in my skin. Instead, the material is back to its usual, white splendour, without any trace of crimson. "Perfection," she whispers gloomily. I wait for her to straighten and float back to hover by the clear bowl before daring to look up again. Her eyes are now cast towards the gap in the floor from where the staircase descends. Waiting patiently. Meanwhile, as her eerily peaceful humming fills the otherwise silent space, I grow more and more agitated in my bound position on the chair. I crane my neck to let my eyes follow the progress of the full moon. Darkness blankets it from every side, leaving the skies in their nightly state, swallowed by the blackish emptiness. There are no stars, only the moon's radiant glow as it nears its destination. 


A weird licking sensation pulls me from oblivion as I open my heavy eyes. The first thing I see is crimson robing floating by my chair, mixing with my own white one. Then a sort of black mist meddling with the two colours and snaking around the red-clad, slender body catches my attention. One of the shadowy tentacles passes in front of my eyes and I jerk, suddenly completely revived. I straighten against the uncomfortable, awkward back of the chair, noticing that those misty, black rings are still encircling my wrists and ankles like smoke uncurling and curling over my skin. I lift my head and stare right into glass, whiteness. There is no distinction between iris or pupil in the witch's face; just plain emptiness. The lack of humanity makes my skin crawl and goosebumps rise all over my flesh. The witch smiles, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth. The grin is unearthly, ice cold. "I might not see you child, but I can sense your contempt." 

"You're blind," I ask before I can stop myself. As the words hang in the air, my regret mixes with them. She tilts her head to the side, as if in deep thought. 

"Oh no, my dear child," her voice is as sweet as a humming bird's: light and crystal-clear, "One who does not need to see cannot be called blind because one is not stripped unwillingly of the burden of sight. The Shadow is my guide and my saviour in this darkness. I rely only on its senses. It's... empowering."


I shiver suddenly when something passes down my cheek. I look down to see another one of those black, shadow tentacles passing over my waist and sliding down my leg. The witch laughs rythmically, "The Shadow is evaluating you, child. Let it deem you fit or not to serve its legacy." 

"I can you call sight a burden?" Damn it, I need to keep my mouth shut, especially now. But the witch doesn't seem to mind in the slightest; instead, she smiles wider. 

"You will discover that for yourself, once the time has come. You will understand my reasoning and you will believe. Trust is the only thing that the Shadow asks to be left of your humanity. Trust in it, and you will grow to learn the truth of real power." 

"Gabriel is using you, you know," I whisper, partly to myself. A cheery giggle sweeps over my ears and I stiffen, not liking the sound at all. 

"Oh no, my sweet, sweet girl; the Shadow is letting us be used. I know all about your intent to end Gabriel's life after this, child." 

My eyes shoot up to meet hers and fear takes hold of my senses. She laughs again and shakes her head, letting her pitch black bob fly around her angelic features gracefully. "The Shadow knows everything, and it is feeding off of your rage and lust for revenge. Let yourself be engulfed in those strong emotions, my child, as it will make the rebirth much easier." 

"Re... birth?" 

"It is a gift of life, another shot at a sense of purpose, to be inhabited by the Shadow. You will see for yourself soon enough. Now, I must leave you, as Gabriel will surely need my help in preparing the sacrifices." And then, her crimson robes sweep over the floor as she hovers down the stairs and disappears from the crystal dome. I slump further into the chair as the shadow restraints drift after her like lost puppies, or like... eager children following their mother. The Shadow wants Gabriel dead, knows that I'm planning on killing him. 

So if one of the strongest Evils on this planet wants his extermination as well, would it really be wise to feed into this far-fetched idea of revenge? Should I really kill Gabriel after all? 



We are nearing the end, my friends... Jeez, this feels surreal.

Next chapter coming up soon... hopefully. School work and all that =)

Hope you enjoyed! 

-xoxo, Sophia

Burning Souls (F.T Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin