Chapter Fourteen

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-xoxo, Sophia


Dominic's footsteps tapping against the wooden floor echoed after mine in a lazy pace, and I could sense that he was as relaxed as I was tense. Hunter had stayed behind in his office, preferring to brood over a map that got us nowhere than to introduce his Maker to the family. They sounded like newlyweds when I put it like that. 


I raised a finger in the air and Dom's voice drowned into silence as he cleared his throat awkwardly. "-okay then..." 

"I'm still processing." I reply curtly, keeping my eyes focused on the straight, dark hall in front of us. Just when I know what I'm going to tell everyone, the double arch comes into view and the usual laughter floats into the hall from the living area. Everyone must still be there. My throat dries up and my tongue parches. I gulp and take a deep breath, stepping into the room. Immediately, all eyes zero in on me, and I'm at loss of words. The tension eases up a bit when those eyes flick to the person standing behind me, comfortably leaning against the arch as if he felt completely at home. 

"Guys," I begin, taking a step to the side to give a full view to all humans and vampires, "This is Dominic. He's Hunter's Maker, and he's requested that we-"

Before I can even finish that last sentence a dagger flies through the air, straight towards Dominic. Millimetres before his face he raises a hand and the blade pierces right through, hanging there in the middle of his palm, barely a distance from his face. He doesn't even wince, and I stare with wide eyes as he pulls the blade out slowly from his hand, sweeping the room with his suddenly cold and calculating eyes. He looks at the blood-covered hunter's dagger and flashes his pointy teeth at a point in the back of the room. "You know," He begins, taking a step towards that point, "You really should have known better darling." 

My head turns to the side where I find Julia at his focal point, standing with another dagger raised and ready to go, attack position at the ready. Dominic clicks his tongue disapprovingly, and the sound seems to echo around the silent room. "Did you really think that this piece of metal would kill me? Honey, I'm an Elder. As in, I existed before hunters like you even invented it." 

"Never know until you try it." Julia fired back, tucking her second dagger into the back-pocket of her jeans and crossing her arms. She tilts her head to the side and studies him. In the suffocating tension, I barely feel Caleb moving up besides me, "Aaaawkward..." He sings, humming lightly. He winces when Fernando punches him in the arm. "Ow." 

Completely oblivious to our little chat besides them, Dominic and Julia seem to be engaged in some sort of silent staring contest. "I thought Elders were extinct." She continues after a moment, breaking the hollowness of it all. 

"Ignorance is bliss. Less people to know, the less will try to come up with ways to kill us. We are the strongest vampires to ever have existed after all." Dominic replies back cooly, taking a step towards her. Her position doesn't falter. In fact, her back only straightens further and she tilts her head up slightly to stare at him dead in the eye. 

"So you can be killed. Interesting." 

More silence as they stare at each other with looks that could kill. "Okay," I clap my hands loudly and it slices through the air, cutting their stares off abruptly. "I really think that we should move on from all of this, and let me finish speaking, yes?" 

"I think that's a great idea!" Caleb exclaims with mock cheerfulness, snapping his fingers in my direction. "So, everyone, attention goes on Emma now, kaykay?" 

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