Chapter 30- Is The Cat Out The Bag?

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  "Yeah the wall was Cade's friend King."

  "The one that saw you naked?" She says in a squeeky voice and I giggle. "Yes! Look what he did to my hair so that if I ran into Abby and then she saw Cade she wouldn't wonder why we both had wet hair and it wasn't raining." I blabber and Liz laughs.

  "Wow.. okay. So I guess his friends are awear of this as well." She says and I nod. "I don't think they like Abby very much. I mean she's more of Cade's friend than their's." I say and she pops out her phone ignoring me. Rude.

   I continue walking but she stops and she appears as if she is in shock and then her figures start tapping away on her phone. "Is everything okay?" I ask and she puts the phone up to her ear ignoring me again.

  I watch her remove the phone from her ear and then she puts it there again. This time tears are flowing from her eyes. I hurry over her to wrap her in my arms and she sobs clutching her arms around my waist.

  "What happened?" I ask, my voice sympathetic as ever. "He broke up with me." She says then she sobs and I rub her head. "Why would he do that?" I ask and she doesn't say anything else, I don't pry any further I just leave her until she feels like talking.

  After a few minutes we head back to the room where our other two friends waited. As we enter Elizabeth charges towards Megan. "Why would you do that!" She yells and I am now shocked and confused.

  "Do what?!" Megan asked looking at her with wide eyes and Jessy comes from under the covers of my bed. "You know what! He broke up with me! Are you happy now Megan!" She barks and I'm wondering what the fuck is happening.

  "Why would I be happy about that?" Megan asked in a more hushed tone. "Because that's what you wanted! You wanted us to break up."

  "Uhm why would Meg want that?" I said scratching my head and she turns to look at me then at Jessy as if she didn't realize that we were in the room. She walks over to the bed and she takes a seat and puts her head in her hands.  Okay still very confused here.

  "I think we should tell them." Megan says looking at Elizabeth. "Tell us what?" Jessy asked and you can hear the confusion in her voice.

  "Megan and I have feelings for each other." Elizabeth says still with her head down and I am standing at the door with a holy shit expression on my face while Jessy just stands with her mouth wide open.

  That explains why she wasn't supportive of Elizabeth's mystery man. I guess now he'll forever be a mystery.

  "Why didn't you guys tell us?" I asked because I thought we were all friends and this was something I thought I should have known about my friends.

  "Well, we were trying not to encourage it be-" Megan says and then she's interrupted by Liz.

  "Because of my family. They wouldn't approve of my relationship with Megan, they are pretty religious." She says and I feel sad for them.

  "Wait Liz were you just using this guy as a shield?" I asked.

  "No I really liked him but someone sent him a video of Megan and making out."  Elizabeth says looking at me with teary eyes.

  "What? How would someone have a video of that? We would always be careful except for that one time at the party but we weren't the only ones." Megan says then sighs.

  "I don't know. He said we were outdoors." Elizabeth says and there is silence in the room.

  "Well I guess it wasn't meant to be. Lets not dwell on the negatives." Jessy breaks the silence and everyone turns to look at her.

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