[#SPECIAL] It's Like You're My Mirror

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Songbird, songbird are your wings okay?

Songbird, songbird what do you have to say?

Don't be silent, songbird, don't be afraid

A little ruffle in your feathers don't mean you can't fly away

I couldn't get those verses out of my head. They've been stuck in my head on replay for the past few hours and I didn't know why. I knew it definitely wasn't because of how legendary the song 'Songbird' itself was, but the essence behind it all. The essence of who ended it.

The words that made it. The voice behind it. The meaning beneath it.

It all seemed so...familiar. Like as if I had been the one to write it for someone else, and as if it weren't, either. As if it had been me, and not me at all, both at the same time. 'Songbird' was a song that was the epitome of comfort. A song meant for people to relate to and take inspiration from, and as well as a song that gave people support. That had been Soong Mei Hwa's style. But for someone else to perfectly replicate that style, that was something that was both simple, and no small feat.

"Hey, Namjoon. If you keep frowning like that, it'll become a permanent part of your face," I heard a voice from beside me, interrupting the thoughts in my head. It was a voice that I had slowly begun to find very soothing. Raspy and silky at the same time. Goosebump-inducing, and on the other hand, heart-warming. Her voice was slightly deeper than the regular female, but still managed to sound like pure music to my ears. I never wanted it to stop.

"I'm thinking," I answered Kai Lee softly, my head still in a place far, far away from our little practice room.

"Of..?" she asked back, making me turn to look at her, seeing the perplexed look she had on her face. "I know you have a high IQ and shit, but try not to accidentally blow a fuse," she slowly continued, the start of a cheeky smirk twitching at the muscles at the corner of her lips.

I sighed and shook my head, a smile etching itself onto my face. I was wondering where her sass had went.

"You know that book you gave Jimin, right?" I questioned her, receiving a chuckle and a nod from her.

"Of course I do. I gave it to him, genius," she laughed, making me huff. "Did he like it?" she asked curiously, leaning closer to me with a raised eyebrow, looking up at me with her hopeful, almond shaped eyes.

"He didn't just like it. He fucking loved it," I laughed as I stopped pouting, bumping my shoulder against hers. She scoffed and bumped back, replying me. "Of course he did. I'm like the Santa Claus of all birthday gifts," she crowed with a small sound of delight. I shook my head at her as she continued complimenting herself. She was absolutely hopeless.

"Thanks for making him so happy," I thanked her before adding on to my words with a sigh. "Now please. Stop flattering yourself. I give great gifts too, y'know." It was now my turn to boast and preen my own feathers.

"Well, if you don't break them first," she snorted as she immediately shot down my self-compliment, snickering as my face slowly fell. I probably looked so done with her. Maybe that was why she started laughing even harder.

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