Stepping out from the back room, Baekhyun headed towards the employee restroom, but as he was walking, his attention was caught by the old man who he worked for. Seeing that he was being waved down, Baekhyun abandoned his throbbing thumb's needs and put his hand behind his back once he was at a fair distance from his boss and the gentlemen that looked like he was a few years older than Baekhyun himself.

Putting a smile on his face, Baekhyun stood politely, waiting to be introduced. His eyes wandered the unfamiliar face's body. The man in front of him was wearing the store uniform so the brunet could only guess he was one of the new individuals hired recently following the opening of a few positions. He might've looked intimidating to many, but Baekhyun was fascinated by the man's tattoos and lean physique.

Realizing how he must've seen fixated on the man's appearance, Baekhyun raised his head up higher and held out his uncut hand the second after his boss introduced him.

"Hello. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too, Baekhyun."

The man smirked, unexpectedly making Baekhyun feel the need to draw back. The urge to look away was tempting, but Baekhyun kept still in the face of someone with a smile so riveting.

"Baekhyun, Kim Jihoon will start working here from today onwards," his boss explained. "He will do more of the activities that take place in the back. Since you spend a great deal of time there, I think it's best if you train him for now--or at least show him what you do so maybe he'll be able to know a thing or two. Is that alright with you?"

Regardless of whether or not he had the free will and desire of taking on a man under his wing and guidance, Baekhyun saw that it didn't matter. It was a job and he was obligated to do so if he wanted a paycheck by the end of the week.

Nodding, he conceded. "Of course."

"Great. I'll just leave him here with you, then. He can help with the stock in the back and make things go a little faster."

After the old man left, Baekhyun's smiled turned awkward as he nodded in the direction of the back room storage. "The boxes are in the back," he said in a neutral voice. "I have to go get another knife or at least some scissors for you. I'll be back in a second."

"Alright, but, uh, do you want help with that?"

"Help with what?"

"Your finger."

Baekhyun's mouth gaped as he quickly turned his attention to his left hand. He had unconsciously let the hand fall from behind his back and out into the open. He faltered in his response, but managed to formulate words. "I got it. Thanks."

"If you say so," Jihoon said. Then, without a second thought or concern, he walked to the backroom.



"You cut your finger?"

"It's not that serious, Yeol. Just a little cut. It didn't even bleed that much..."

Glancing up at the late afternoon sky, Chanyeol pursed his lips. "Did you wash it properly?"

"Yeah, I did." Baekhyun paused. "What're you doing right now?"

Chanyeol smiled. "Nothing. Just staying at home and figuring out how to solve these problems for Physics."

"Leave the ones you can't figure out. I can come by and help you after I get off."

"Thanks." Chanyeol looked around, the faces of busy people giving him one second of their lives for a single glance before walking on. "It's fine, though. I'm okay. Just take care of that cut and go home. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Don't skip out on dinner, Baek."

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