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It's been hours.

How many, Prince did not know.

His entire life was destroyed. How was he supposed to talk to Misleading Compliments about this? What was he going to do? How was he going to help?

Prince had stopped crying a while ago, and now he felt emotionless.

He promised that he was going to protect Anxiety and what did he manage to do?

Fail. Immediately.

How could he be so ignorant?

If he just checked in on Anxiety or refused to leave him alone, he would still be here. Sitting with him, hugging him, kissing him... But he's been here.

"Prince, you need to eat."

Without moving his head, Prince looked up at Logic only to look at the ground again.

"Prince, we don't blame you and you shouldn't blame yourself, I hope you are aware of this," Logic said, sitting down next to Prince.

Prince didn't respond.

"Prince, you're practically my son-in-law. I... care about you. This is essentially blamable on all of us. If anyone would have checked on Anxiety, we could have noticed something. Instead, we all played it off as normal, even though it shouldn't have been in the first place," Logic explained, awkwardly pulling Prince into a half hug.

Prince still didn't respond. Prince couldn't believe what Logic was saying. It was his duty to protect Anxiety, and now he was gone. Just like that. He just sat there and looked at the ground.

"Hey, Dad, what's wrong? What happened? Why is Morality so upset? He came into Pranks's room and it looked like he was crying. Is everything okay? What's happening?"

Prince actually moved his head when he heard Missy. He started crying once again.

"Prince... there was nothing you could have done," Logic said, rubbing the said man's back. Prince saw Missy Come over and sit in his lap, which only made him cry harder. Now, because of him, his son was going to be upset. He hugged Missy close and sobbed into his shoulder. It was like his entire life came crashing down on him and he was suffocating.

When Prince stopped crying for the second time, he attempted to explain to Misleading Compliments what had happened.

"I was- I was checking on... on An-An..." Prince stopped and breathed in deeply, unable to say his name. If he did, Prince knew he would start to cry once more. "And, when I went into his room he was just... gone. I'm sorry. It's my fault."

Missy just sat there, completely and utterly shocked for a few minutes. He didn't do anything, so Prince sat there and waited for Missy to do something, anything.

Then, Missy broke. He started sobbing into Prince's shoulder. Prince stared ahead and wrapped his arms around his child, rubbing his back in a comforting manner. He kissed the top of Missy's head and mumbled out a sorry once again as the tears went down his own cheeks. He wasn't sobbing anymore, but he knew there were more tears to come.

He held Missy for a while and just sat there with him in his arms as he thought about what could have happened to Anxiety and where he could be. He thought about all the possibilities of how Anxiety left.

He could have left by choice, or he left because he was forced to.

Prince was thinking it was the latter.

At that moment, with Missy in his arms, Prince knew he had to move on. He had to forget how he felt, how sad he was, how it was his fault, and find Anxiety. He knew in order for him to do anything, he would need to throw himself into it and forget about how he was feeling both physically and mentally.

And, he decided, if that was the only way to save Anxiety, then he would do it.

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