"Anything I can do to help?" he cheerfully asked, leaning against a wall as he, too, looked at the ever-growing stack of pancakes on the plate beside Jin. He'd like to try learning how to make them one day. Maybe Jin will teach him?

"How about staying still and not catch anything on fire?" Yoongi mumbled as he entered the kitchen, scrolling through his phone as he went to get something from the fridge.

Or...maybe not. Unless there was a fire extinguisher around.

Poor Namjoon sighed as laughter erupted from the others. Now they sounded like a pack of hyenas.

"Don't worry. I'm sure that Kai Lee's Instagram account you found a few weeks ago will keep you occupied," Jimin assured me with a sly grin. "Have you seen her workout tutorials? They're actually pretty hot."

More laughter.

Okay. Maybe not completely forgotten, Namjoon thought.

. . .

The party had been a blast. Everyone had enjoyed themselves thoroughly. And this time, even Kai Lee had been able to make it. So Namjoon was happy and content that he'd been able to catch up with her that night. They talked practically all night about Kai Lee's new schedule and pre-match diet. And they definitely had lots of fun spraying silly string at Jimin.

"What do you have there?" Namjoon asked as they all finally got back to the dorms, and Yoongi made a beeline for his bed. He'd gone to Jimin's bed and saw him flipping through this new book, looking to be fully engrossed in it. The leader of the group eyed the little unwrapped book curiously, and what's left of the colourful wrapping paper sitting in a neat pile on his nightstand. It looked like it had already been left there for quite a while, being buried beneath a few other things he'd gotten as gifts for his birthday.

"Something Kai Lee gave me earlier during out lesson," Jimin replied. "A birthday gift."

"Is it a good book?" he asked, sitting down beside Jimin as he peeked at the words printed onto the paper. Upon seeing the all-too familiar handwriting scrawled across the pages, Namjoon did a double take.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is," Jimin breathed softly. "Kai Lee said that she was sure that this would help me become more fluent and fluid with English, since she saw improvement in me when she first handed out those printouts Jungkook gave us."

"So you like it?" he asked.

Nodding, Jimin answered softly.

"I love it."

"Why?" Namjoon continued to ask curiously.

"Because these are all Mei Hwa's lyrics. This is her journal. See those dates at the end of every song?" the younger male asked as he pointed to every date scribbled in the book. And true to his word, there really were dates written at the end of each and every song. Almost all of them dating back to around the 1980's and 1990's, around Soong Mei Hwa's golden years.

"And look at how old the paper looks. Even in photocopy, it still looks old and frayed," Jimin breathed, running a finger down a side of a page at the old lines that were photocopied from the original.

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