Boys, books, and the inevitable

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I was late to lunch due to my meeting with my mom and Mr. Oakley. I walked in and Brooklyn, Selena, and Hazel were already sitting at our usual round table. I sat down, not really feeling hungry.

"What happened? Did Mr. Oakley see your video?" I looked at Hazel to see that she and Selena were confused and worried at the same time.

"No, actually, I had a meeting with him and my mom." That sparked the interest of Brooklyn, who was taking an interest in her fruit.

"And? Tell me! I NEED TO KNOW!" That turned the heads of many other kids. Selena didn't like being left out or knowing that there was a secret being kept from her.

"I've been accepted to Hogwarts!" Suddenly they all looked at me disbelievingly.

Brooklyn scoffed. "Please. You? Accepted to Hogwarts? Tell us the truth."

I sighed. I knew they wouldn't believe me. Luckily I came prepared. Out of my pocket I produced my Hogwarts acceptance letter. Brooklyn stared, dumbfounded. Rose: 1. Brooklyn: 0.

"HOLY TARDIS OF GALIFREY! IT'S REAL!" Hazel screamed so loud, I think my ears were bleeding. The popular table us a second's glance, but I really don't care about them now.

We all fangirled and screamed, ignoring everyone else in the cafeteria.

"Wait, so does that mean you're leaving us?" Selena brought up the inevitable, which I really hadn't thought about. I was so caught up in all the excitement, I didn't realize I would be moving away from my best friends.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You guys know I'm going to miss you, right?" They all nodded.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Selena was picking at her food. Suddenly, from behind her I saw a guy looking at her. His name was Connor, and I could tell he liked her.

I broke the silence. "Selena, get your butt out of that chair and go talk to Connor." She looked behind her shoulder and started blushing.

"But... what should I say?"

"I don't know, anything. He obviously likes you." With that she started blushing profusely.

Brooklyn and Hazel pried her out of her seat and pushed her towards him. We watched as they hit it off.

"Aw, look at our little Booshka. They grow up so fast." I saw her coming back quickly with a piece of paper in her hand. She sat down in a fluster. "So Booshka, are you going to say thank you or..."

She looked at me and suddenly her arms were around me head. "Thank you so much!" I loved it when she gave me head-hugs.

"Any way, do you guys want to come over today to help me pack?" The sadness was gone and yet again replaced by excitement.

Everyone agreed, so I told them to come by at 6 o'clock.


The rest of the day was pretty boring, other than Literature. It's the only class where the teacher finds it acceptable to talk about my book fandoms.

My mom picked my brother and I up from school. Dimitri started to talk about his problems, so naturally I took out my phone and earphones and listened to Imagine Dragons.

When I got home I went to the kitchen, got some Oreos and Nutella (yes I am a junkie, it's a problem), and ran straight upstairs to my room straight away.

You could say my room is a tumblr room. I have posters, Christmas lights, and books everywhere.

I did my homework first. It was actually pretty easy, considering my mid-day drama.

When I finished I went on Tumblr. What else could I do?

Before I knew it, Selena, Hazel, and Brooklyn were here. We sat clustered on my bed.

"We should throw you a farewell party!" Brooklyn's first instinct was party.

"But I'm leaving in a week!" It sounded fun, but I wasn't the party type.

"Fine." Brooklyn dropped the subject, but I could tell she was disappointed.

After this they helped me pack. How was I supposed to know what non-magical things to bring to Hogwarts?


I know this chapter isn't that exciting, but hang in there! It gets better soon! Thanks for reading! Stay weird ;)

~ Chelsea

BTW If you get my subtle fandom refernces, you're awesome!

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