Chapter One: It All Started When...

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“Annabel! Sweetheart, wake up.” A voice inside my dream urged me. “You’re dreaming, wake up!”

Wake up

Wake up

It’s just a dream

Hands tight on my neck…

It feels so real…


My hearts about to implode

…sparks of pain…

My eyes bolted open and I felt myself jerk up in shock. My hair was plastered to my sticky skin; I had vaguely I had sweat up a storm in my bed. Cold hands pried at my arms, shaking.

“Sorry mum.” I said haggardly. Mum forced herself to let go of me and turned to the side and passed me my puffer. Graciously I took it and pressed in the mouthpiece, getting a nice squirt of much needed oxygen into my lungs. Mum watched me silently as I regained my breath in a few short minutes.

“It’s getting worse. Your…gift.” She said the last word as a curse. Pushing back her dark blonde hair she watched me heave myself into a better sitting position.

“It’s always been the same, mum.” Her pale blue eyes assessed my every move to find a lie. And it was a lie. My…gift truly was getting worse. Since I turned the age of eight my ‘gift’ accelerated into something cruel and maddening.

“Honey, you’re not getting better. Don’t lie to me! It’s getting worse. You see…things…a mother doesn’t want her baby to ever see.”

“Well I’m sorry for this damn gift grandpa passed to me.” I glared at her, though it was half hearted. Her worry made me worry, which I hated.

Mum worries too much when it comes to me. Always an eye on me, she’s so stern and unbending. I never get any privacy to myself. But with my brother Dorian she’s all fine and dandy. Cassandra Davy always played favourites with her twin children.

I, Annabel Lucas Davy was born seven minutes before my brother Dorian Chance Davy. It made me the rightful elder twin and I always shoved that into his stubborn face.

Dorian can change into any person he has seen, as long as his mind stays focused and this person could be from anything—a magazine, TV, poster—as long as he’s seen the appearance.

Dorian’s got an awesome power; I’d change myself into Johnny Depp every day of the week and get a nice peek at the goods.

My power is a sick one.

I can see into the mind of a serial killer. If they have a fantasy I get the happiness of getting sucked into it and become the fantasy. I become their minds desire. Their thoughts are the sickest of human race, the awful things they think makes me want to wretch. And from time to time I can read other people’s thoughts. Their thoughts are pathetic and laughable.

It’s a huge pain in the ass, really.

I’d give anything to have a different power.

Demon power…evil…she’ll be just like him….murderer…not Corveno, why did it have to be him? evil…

Him was my grandpa, Michael. He could see into serial killer’s minds because he was one. Grandpa went psycho and butchered grandma and my mum’s brother, Corveno. Not only did he kill most of his family, he killed his father and eventually killed seven other people who weren’t in the family. Mum never got over her family’s death.

So you could imagine her horror when she discovered I had the same power as her serial killer father.

I don’t blame her for the thoughts she has. Her thoughts are hers, and I intrude on them daily. It’s not like I want to anyway, it’s like my mind gravitates to other minds.

“Try to get some sleep, sweetheart.” She forced herself to kiss my forehead. As she got up and walked away, I could feel the internal battle she was having. She hated herself for how she acted towards me.

I don’t blame her for how she is around me. How could I? I probably will turn out to be a psycho murderer. It runs in the family.

Shivering from the chilly breeze that rolled in from my open window, I slid back into bed and wrapped myself tight in the heavy and warm blankets.

It was hard to go to sleep when there was a killer in the neighbourhood.

On my ceiling, there were was an ancient saying carved in.

Non timent furor. Est animi vires temperat aequor.

Malum non voluntas ex amoris.

Daviet in fide nominis.

Translation: Do not fear the madness. It is the mind's strength that calms the sea.

Evil shall not will out over love.

Have faith in the Daviet name.

Daviet was the ancient Latin name of the now Davy. Doesn’t sound too latin’y. More Russian I think. Oh well, can’t argue with dead history.

Anyway, this inscription made me a bit calmer.

I coughed a few times and sneezed hard from the cold. I loved sneezing. It feels like an orgasm every time I sneeze.

Light footsteps treaded on the carpeted ground. Dorian was trying to be sneaky and to not alert mum or dad. The door swung open a little bit and sure enough there was a dishevelled Dorian standing in the doorway, hand on the knob and worried.

“Still scared?” he whispered to me. There was no point in lying to my other half; I nodded and watched as he closed the door carefully behind him. I made room for him on my bed and he slowly slid in, cautious on every move he made.

I don’t think you’re evil


Mum is just worried. You know what it’s like for her


Dorian grabbed my left hand and squeezed it gently.

Not your fault. Stop hating yourself for something you can’t control

“Wish I was you, Dory. Maybe then she would actually kiss my forehead without flinching.” I whispered sadly. I didn’t miss the tiny flinches mum tried to hide when she was near me.

Dory let go of my hand and tucked his really warm arm under my shoulders. He didn’t say anything when I leaned into him and silently cried. His arm only wrapped tighter around me.

I could be myself around Dory. He would never judge me. I love my brother but I hate him sometimes. How come he gets the better life while I lie here and rot away?

It’s alright Bell-Bell, I’m here. It’s okay. I love you, you know that, right?

I nodded into his chest.

Good, now get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up if you’re still scared

“You’re the best twin, Dory.” I said truthfully.

Nah, I’m just the hotter one

A shocked laugh bubbled out of my lips and both our hands slapped down on my mouth. Dorian started to shake with silent laughter.

“G’night Dory.”

Night Bell-Bell

*Authors Note*

To clear up any confusion, chapter one isn’t continuing from the prologue. It’s a different killer who only dreams of strangulation. Oh and it’s not incest between Annabel and Dorian, they just understand each other in that twin way. And the translation in Latin may not be a hundred percent correct, I google translated, LOL.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2012 ⏰

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