Choosing to fight and fighting to stay

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Blake met Gwen on a Monday. They hung out in her hospital room Tuesday. The following day Blake spent exploring LA. He didn't want to seem too clingy or overwhelm her so, he thought taking a day to learn this new city might be a good idea if this thing with Gwen goes anywhere. While he is walking down God only knows what street his; phone rings. It's the record label asking if he was still in town and if he would mind stopping by Thursday. Blake agrees to a meeting time of 12:30. Maybe things hadn't gone as badly as he had thought. With his spirits lifted some he goes into a restaurant and orders his food.

"Hey you" he hears from beside him.

He turns and looks to see if whoever it was, was talking to him. When he makes eye contact he realizes that it's the nurse from the hospital that is always taking care of Gwen.

"Howdy." He answers almost a little awkwardly.

"Hey we didn't see you at the hospital today, thought you went home." Lou says, trying to figure out his intentions with Gwen (she is her best friend and she will do everything she can to protect her).

"Nope still here. Thought I would take the day looking around the city. Didn't want to overwhelm Gwen; plus I should probably know some of the city since it's looking more and more like I'm gonna be spending a lot of time here."

"Really and why might that be?"

"Well I got a call from the label I came out here to work with and I'm meeting with them tomorrow and to be frank, because of Gwen too. She is a special person and when people like her enter your life you have to fight to make sure they stay in your life." Having finished his meal and successfully having answered Lou's unasked question, he grabs his bill to pay and leave.

"Well, I'll see you around. Tell Gwen I said 'Hi' will ya?"

"I will. Take care."
Gwen finds herself in her hospital bed sick as can be. She had a treatment today and this time she doesn't have a certain cowboy to make her feel better. He didn't come today which Gwen feels like she should have known he wouldn't. She is sure he went home. She knew she was crazy to even let her mind think that he would stay here for her. That combined with the treatment make today a very low day and to top that off Lou is off today so she has some guy nurse. Normally she likes having the male nurses, they are eye candy, but today it just reminds her that Blake went home and she is going to be alone forever.
Wednesday morning Blake wakes up, gets his morning coffee, and begins to get ready for his meeting. It doesn't take him long to get ready and to be honest he doesn't have to put much thought into it because he wears pretty much the same thing ever day just different colors. Once he finds himself ready to go he heads out in search of breakfast. He is nervous. Meeting Gwen and wanting to explore what that is, puts that much more pressure on this meeting. It has to work out so he can stay here in LA......with Gwen.
"Hello ma'am nice to meet you." Blake says shaking the hand of the head of the A&R department at Millennial Records

"Nice to meet you as well Mr........." she pauses on his name looking at her paperwork trying find it.

"Shelton. Blake Shelton but you can call me Blake."

"So I hear you're a country artist Blake. What got you into country music?"

"Well first of all the obvious; my accent...very country. Second, country songs all mean something. There is always a story, one that you as the artist and you as fans can relate to. I was raised on country music. Both my parents listened to it all the time, so naturally I fell in love with it."

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