Book 4: Back to the Burrow

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The shout came from downstairs. It was loud but kind, and the sound of it echoed up throughout all of the floors to reach where I was stood in Ginny and I's shared lavatory. I had glanced toward the closed door to my left upon hearing it, before my attention returned to the mirror just in front of me.

My hips were pressed uncomfortably tight against the sharp edge of the sink. I felt a line being dug into the skin along my navel, despite the layers of clothing between it and the old white china. My fingertips tapped on the low of the bowl, which was still slightly damp from when I had ran the faucet a few moments before. My reflection stared back at me, blinking and quiet.

My blue eyes resembled icicles against the red of my hair. The locks fell over my shoulders, reaching far below my chest. It hadn't been cut in ages, so much so that I couldn't recall a date. The freckles on my cheekbones had become highlighted from the summer sun; they swarmed from my temples to over my nose, and that was a great change from during the wintertime when only the ones on my nose were visible from far away.

The tint of my lips, usually a reddish pink, was different as well. I had applied a clear gloss, which had made their colour deepen for some reason. That is why I stood there now, in that mirror. I was debating whether or not I fancied the changes.

The freckles, the gloss, the black massacra I had swiped on my lashes. It had made them fuller and longer, and what was what had turned the blue of my eyes into such a chilling sight against my fair complexion.

"Alex, c'mon," the door flung open. Its sudden gust of air blew over the profile of my face and caused for me to startle in surprise. Fred was there, his hand wrapped around the brass handle as he peered into the room. "We're leaving."

I nodded. He stepped backwards and out into the hall, allowing for me to follow after him before closing the door again behind us. His arm slung itself over my shoulders as we walked together down the first flight of stairs. I felt him glancing at me.

"What?" I asked in discomfort, itching to rub at my lashes. He squeezed at my neck with his elbow playfully, laughing as I tried to swat his hand away.

"Your eyes look nice is all."

He had said it simply, as though the compliment meant nothing at all. When we stepped off the last stair into the first level of the house, he pulled away to join George by the entrance to the kitchen. I watched his back, fighting the smile creeping up onto my lips.

Perhaps I did like the change.

"What was taking you so long?" asked Ron in annoyance as he approached me. His hands were waving wildly to show his lack of patience. "We are late! Late!"

"Why not just go without me?" I asked in return, my nose scrunched in distaste as he led us toward the fireplace. There our father waited with the pot of Floo powder.

"Blimey, don't be ridiculous," said Ron in exasperation. He rolled his eyes at my suggestion. "You're friends."

"I can be his friend and wait for him here," I said, beginning to become rather annoyed myself. I watched from his side as Fred stepped into the hearth; he took a pinch of the powder from the pot, threw it down and yelled Harry's address. He was gone in a bout of green flames. "Quite easily I can do that, actually."

Ron didn't seem to care much for said capabilities. I huffed at the profile of his face as our father disappeared next, my eyes beginning to wander about the family room. Ginny was standing just in front of the couch adjacent to us, the backs of her ankles pressed into the plush cushion. She rocked herself on her heels and watched as George left, wringing her hands together impatiently. I adverted my attention quickly to Hermione; she was curled up in the far left armchair, her calves beneath her and a book propped onto her knees. Her palm supported her chin as she read, without a bit of interest in what we were doing.

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