Chapter 2: An Angel From Hell [pt 2]

En başından başla

9:00-9:30   Break

9:30-10:30   French

10:30-11:30   European History

11:30-12:30  Biology

12:30-2:00   Break

2:00-3:00  Physical Education

3:00-4:00   American History

4:00-5:00   Mathematics

*T-TH Schedule*

8:00-9:00   Greek Mythology

9:00-9:30  Break

9:30-10:30   French

10:30-11:30  American History

11:30-12:30  Mathematics

12:30-2:00   Break

2:00-3:00 European History

3:00-4:00 Biology

4:00-5:00   English


Daniel caught sight of Mycah's schedule and said, "Oh, look, French and European History together," all the while smiling at her. Mycah didn't know what to feel. She wanted to jump for joy. But since she can't do that in the middle of the room and with Daniel around, she managed to say, "Oh, nice," giving him a smile.  They suddenly made eye contact....

A W K W A R D  S I L E N C E--

Mikaeli fakes a cough, "AKWARD!"

Mycah looks away from Daniel with a blush on her face, "Ohhhhh-kay. What time will class start?" she asked her.

B E L L  R I N G S--

Mikaeli laughs at her then says, "Duh. Didn't you see your schedule? Oh well, I guess you were just staring at Daniel." Mycah's blush deepens,"NO I WAS NOT!?"  she says with a hint of doubt in her voice. Seeing this, Daniel thought they were both childish. Yet he finds them cute...Especially Mycah. He told them, "Hey girls, I'm right here! " with a laugh. "Sorry!" the bestfriends answered him.

Daniel turned to Mycah, "Anyway, you want a walk to class?"

Mycah managed to say the words "Yeah, sure."  although in her head, she's like "OMG. EEEPPPPPPPPP!!!" 


Daniel took the girls to their English class and proceeded to his first class. Meanwhile, with the girls' their teacher said, "Good morning class. I'm Ms Catherine Santiago and I'm going to handle your English class. To start of our day, you will introduce yourselves in front of the class.Since we have new students here, we'll start with them. Ms. Gomez?" "Oh,sure."

Ms. Santiago instructed her to tell the class her name,age,former school and achievements. Mycah walked in front and told the class, "Ok.. I'm Mycah Gomez, 17 years of age, University of Fashion Education in Paris. I already contributed some designs for Gucci and Chanel. I was also an amateur model. I have a store which I own together with Kae. Uhm.. I guess that's all?"

What she said earned gasps and a couple of jaw drops from the class. Someone namely Iya Wesley(pronounced as Ee-yuh),however, muttered, "Show off. Hmp."  Mycah heard this and told HER, "Uhm, excuse me... Iya, right? What'd you say?" SHE answered her with a smirk, "Oh nothing."

Ms. Santiago butts in the girls' conversation, "That was great, Mycah. Welcome to my class! You may now take your seat." "Thanks Ms. Santiago."

"Next is Mikaeli?" She followed up after Mycah took her seat. Mikaeli walked in front and told the class, "Sure... I'm Mikaeli von Roux, just call me Kae. University of Fashion Education in Paris. Contributed designs for Salvatore Ferragamo, BCBG, and Forever 21. I was an advertiser for some products. Thank you."

She earned the same reaction from the class. Someone also from the class, namely Ia Wesley(pronounced as A-yuh), whispered to Iya, "Another show off. Whatever." Mikaeli gave her an evil stare. Mycah told her, "Whoa,girl. Calm down!" Mikaeli answered her, "Whatever. Thanks, Mycah." She then took her seat.

"Thank, Mikaeli. Welcome to my class as well! Now, let's proceed to the old students. Any volunteers?" asked Ms. Santiago."I volunteer Ms. Santiago!" Iya raised her hand and stood up, "I'm Iya Wesley, most popular AND hottest here in Shoreline High. Cheercaptain as well. Nice to meet you," she said with a grin that you'd know is surely a fake one.

Ia stood up next, "Name's Ia Wesley. Iya's twin. Co-captain and girl heartthrob here. Nice to meet you!" The other students continued on.

"Hi, I'm Henry Simmons. Hope we get along." Henry says with a smile.

"Goodmorning, I'm Michael Stevens. Varsity of the basketball team. Captain of the debate team. Hope we get along." Mikaeli really wasn't listening to the introductions until she heard Michael's name. She looked up at him and saw his black/brown hair, green eyes, tall figure and handsome face. She FELT like she knew him... 


[a/n] HA! Cliffhanger? :)) Comment.Fan.Vote.RL. It will all be appreciated :D

P.S. Cast in Multimedia :'D

xoxo, DC <3

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