Chapter 19 - Breaks Over

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Definitely not trusting anyone right now, except Logan I guess. Swallowing a bite of my lunch I told Tristan what happened earlier.

"Something unusual happened when I finished my training."

"I'll say, you were in there for hours, was it fun?" I ignored Logan's question and asked my own:

"Is every worker in the facility here in the lunch room?"

"Well... yeah." Max said humorously.

"That's wierd because when I came down the hall. I heard a pan drop in the cooking room, I was pretty spooked after that."

"knowones ever had anything odd like that happen to them. How loud was it?" Max paused at eating his lunch.

"Clear as day." Max, Logan and Tristan glanced at each other and continued to eat their food.

"Why did you leave me anyway Logan?"

"hmm? oh I. I mean Tristan wanted me."

"Yep. I called him in for some leader training lessons. For him to lead you in your mission. Does that make you feel more calm?" Tristan's lost his sharp grin on saying the word calm.

There were a few minutes of just enjoying lunch when suddenly I asked, "Will I get any lessons for my role in the our mission?"

"Yes but it won't be until you have done your exercise routine on a long period of time. Like when we know your ready enough or something." Tristan took his tray with him down the hallway.

First he said "im gonna go finish this in my office. See you guys soon."

We all said goodbye humbly. Max left afterwards with no actual reason. Logan and I ate our entire meal and then he let me know what's happening next.

We are going back to the shooting range to practice with a pistol again. I'll get to the part when we a both settle in the firing range room. Logan explains: "Ok first you need to realise that guns are not instant death weapons to shoot when ever you please.

It is an art. A precise and powerful instrument moving from one place to another. Name as many targets as you can. Right now"

"Head, chest umm...  neck-"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong understand that everything can be a target on the body. But know this, you need one hundred percent focus as soon as a gun is in your control."

I admired his enthusiasm for guns. He is alot like me."Take this, it's a Beretta PX4 storm. Very professional handgun, hopefully you'll love it."

The beautiful sound of Logan loading the Beretta gave a perfect symphony of turning barrels and clicking slots.

I handled the gun softly inline with my pupil, completely speechless to a 'thank you'. "Show me what you got." he was about to be mind blown. Logan started calling out the guns details on every shot I made.

"Semiautomatic, low recoil, lightweight, polymer material and an Italian design. I think you will enjoy this one." I straightened up my posture so I looked more like I deserve to use the gun.

A stutter of showered bullets punctured each target, left to right; head to chest. "Pretend someone took cover for a rest. You'd need to reload as quick as you can.

Flicking my thumb, a mag fell to the ground. As I imagined it falling, I hovered a new magazine dead in front of me. For a short moment the fully loaded round was flying effortlessly. I preformed a full spin with the gun extending out from my arm.

I precisely timed where it would be as I turned. The mag stamped into the gun, from mid-air.  I then pulled back the top. The second round of ammo spread to every target (when finally the gun was yet empty again).

I put a devilish smile on my face to prepare for Logan's reaction. He had a stopwatch out the whole time and almost looked like he was upset. "That's a new record. A new record Jerry."

"What time was it then?"

"Lets say the old record was 3.13 seconds. And you just got 2.80, i'm proud to be your teacher but i feel u don't focus enough." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Thank you, I'm proud to be your student."

We both mimicked a warming smile

We kept practicing for a while in there. Discussing different techniques; what's most effective; and revised the Beretta's features.

I was lost in the moment, forgetting the important matters at hand simply because we reached an understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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