Chapter 14 - Recovered

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"He's awake."

"Mmm hmm. I'll leave it to you now."

"Thanks shade."

To deep voices sounded like they were speaking in code.

This must be a joke. "Who are you?"

" lets leave questions to me kid. Now what your name?"

"Why do you care?" His face looked disappointed.

"*sigh*" The man slams his hands on the table.

"Don't get cocky, boy. It's bad enough seeing a young boy this talented. Plus i'm not a fan of children." The man leans closer, putting emphasis on children.

"Exactly. Can an innocent boy try and survive the apocalypse without being questioned?"

"Oh no no no. You. You can survive alright and we feel you are too dangerous for civilisation. Now what is your name?"

"You really think im a master assassin or somethi- wait. Who are you then? Pushing me around like that. You some kind of secret organization for people like me?" My voice pattern became confused.

"So you admit being a target for us?" He grins in happiness.

"And you admit being a mysterious culture?" The man turned around at a one-way mirror.

"Look. we have roles for people like you." He attempted to reason with me.

"So now I work for you. Is that it?"

"No. But we can make you..."

He brings up a gun to my vicious eyes. I look into the gun and then at the man. After that I raise my hands back and start to swing on the chair. But he held the pistol tighter.

When I stopped swinging on the chair, the tiny room went dead quiet. He wasn't bluffing and I could tell. I kicked the table at him, making him bend forward.

I swiped his gun and took the ammo out. I kicked the round across the room. He got up watched me hold the gun in shock (he thought it was still loaded). "My turn, who are you?"

"Could lie if I wanted to kid." Taking a step closer to him he coward in fear. "We watch everyone to maintain a balance government. We where the one who-" The voice from earlier came up on a speaker.

"Max I noticed he disarmed the gun. He is lieing." The second man must be watching us two through the mirror. The iron door opened to see the 'shade' character. It was the man from the bridge fight. His arm was missing.

"I should have shot your brains out when I was told." He remembers me. "In the ear was bad enough". Max held me down, "You know this boy shade?"

"He was my next mission-until I missed." Shade explained.

"Mission? Oh my god how did you live anyway? I heard a splash."

"That was my gun falling in the river and yes we are hitmen."

"Surely you can't resist working for us now. You would be much help."

"I want to find my family! Please let me go." my mind was 100% clear what it wanted.

"You know we could track them down for you."

"You could?"

"If you do us one task..."

"What ever finds my family."

"Take down Big Ben" Is this a really happening? They read my mind.

"Yes." I said.

"First we train you what we know. Welcome Jerry." I was scared how they new my name. After all that, they had convinced me out of nothing.

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