I glance nervously up at the menu but decide to go with my usual order. 

"I'll have a mocha please," I smile at her. "Oh, and two streusel cinnamon coffee cakes, too." 

The girl behind the register taps at her screen with long pointed nails that resemble dragon talons and a pained expression. 

With our drinks and our slices of cake in hand, Will and I find seats far enough away from the stage that we'll be able to hear each other. 

He helps me out of my coat and hangs it on the back of my chair before sitting across from me at our tiny table. 

"So, Moira," he clears his throat as I greedily sample the scrumptious coffee cake with my fingers. "What's next for you?" 

"I still plan on finishing college," I mutter and chew my bite as discreetly as possible. "I was going to keep working at Mike's while taking online courses after transferring my credits, but those plans are kind of up in the air." 

"Oh yeah?" Will lifts a structured brow. 

"Yeah," I shrug and take a tentative sip of my mocha. "I know it sounds selfish, but I don't want to wait around for my mom to get out of rehab. I want to focus on my future and I don't think I can do that in Auburn. I was thinking about maybe transferring to the University of Washington in Seattle." 

"That's my alma mater," Will smiles. "You'd really like it." 

"What about you, Will?" I ask. "What are you going to do now that the quarter is over?" 

"Now that I'm out of a job?" Will chuckles genially. "I don't want to go back to teaching, that's for sure." 

"Why's that?" 

"You know, I took the job because I wanted to inspire young minds to question and create," he tells me as Will's hand finds mine under the table. "Instead, I wound up grading papers all day and conforming to a boring curriculum while making a pretty laughable paycheck."

"I thought you were pretty inspiring," I told him. 

"I'm not complaining," Will's thumb stroked the top of my hand tenderly. "Because teaching brought me to you." 

A blush spreads from my chest to my cheeks as I duck my head and sip my coffee. 

"Plus, your mom's case has reminded me how much I love the law," Will's blue eyes are sparkling. "So, I think it's time I move on and accept  a few interviews with some firms in Seattle."

I gasp and look up from my bite to be sure he's not joking. 

"Is that too much?" Will's sea-tossed eyes burrow into mine. "I don't want to pressure you, Moira, but I really see a future with you." 

My heart explodes into a gallop behind my ribs as I try and remember how to breathe. 

"I've never felt this way about anyone," Will continues. "I woke up the day that you walked into my classroom and I fall harder for you every time we're together."

"It's not too much," I shake my head to blink the tears out of my eyes. "I'm just trying to process all of the emotions and the change. You're amazing, Will." 

Will scoots closer to rub my back while we finish our treats in happy silence. 

My feelings for Will are growing by the day, too, but I can't express that as eloquently as he just did. All I can do is melt into his strength and enjoy his intoxicating musk of cologne and coffee. 

"It's getting late," Will purrs into my hair. "And I think you have work in the morning, correct?" 

"Yup," I sigh. "At eight AM." 

Will helps me shrug into my coat as soon as we stand up. 

"Are we still on for Tag's show tomorrow night?" Will asks while we're making our way to the door. 

"Oh, definitely!" I exclaim, tunneling into my coat to hide from the icy wind outside. "And I don't have to work the day after, so I can stay out as late as I want!"

"Noted," Will tosses me a wink over his muscular shoulder that sends a shiver into my panties. 

On our short walk to the car, my ears are echoing with Keri's warning about my old lady drawers.

I don't know when Will and I are going to do the deed, but I sure as heck don't want it to happen in my comfy cotton briefs. 

I keep imagining our naked bodies together on the ride home, which makes it hard for me to make any sort of conversation. There is a good chance that I might black out the first time I see him without his shirt on.

Will seemed lost in thought on the drive, too, so I just stared out at the empty streets rushing by. 

Ever the gentleman, Will walked me to the Gotlieb's front door after our date. 

"I had fun tonight," he says softly, reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. "I can't wait for tomorrow." 

"Me too," I whisper and hold up my box of roses. "Thank you, Will. For everything." 

"Sweet dreams, Moira," he leaned in and gently kissed my left cheek, then, my right.

Then he kissed the tip of my nose.  

Will saved my lips for last, covering my mouth with a gravelly moan. The urgency of his kiss set fireworks off behind my eyelids and crumpled my knees. 

I combed my fingers through his silken hair for a little tug and tilted my head to slip my tongue between his lips. 

Will's arm tightened around my waist to crush me to the planes of his well-built body. Even through all our layers, I could feel the God-like perfection of his powerful frame.

"Goodnight, Will," I pant sheepishly when I finally managed to pull away.


Lesson Learned {Student Teacher Romance}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz