"Salam Agha Jan" His tone was polite and respectful as he hugged the old man.

"Walaikum as salam" Agha Jan beamed at him and Behram smiled back.

Essa and Baazil both shook hands with him and the four of them sat down.Behram was panicked internally but keeping Agha jans health in mind he tried to keep his mind as calmas possible and tried to break the news politely without creating a fuss.

"Where is Mahi.She didn't come with you"?? Agha Jan asked and Essa and Baazil glanced at him

"Its about her actually.I just want you to listen to me and don't panic" He raked a hand through his hairs and took a deep breath.

"What happened"?? Baazil butted in this time and Essa eyed Behram carefully.

"Mahi left the mansion..due to some misunderstanding.I thought she was here.But when you guys asked me why didn't she showed up with me I lost my only hope." He glared hard on the floor ,resting his elbows on his knees.

"What do you mean left the mansion?? What happened"? Agha Jan immediately became alert.Lines of worry crossed his forehead and he leaned forward looking at Behram

"I called her earlier ..we were talking.She ,misunderstood.Its a long story.I just wanna find her as soon as possible.Do you know any of her friends or anyone whom she can go to"? Essa shook his head and Baazil shifted uncomfortably on the sofa.Fear brought him to the edge when he thought about the possible dangers Mahi was in at the moment.

"No.." Essa took his phone out and dialed Mahi's number and Behram stood up immediately

"Its no use.Her phone is switched off.I am going to find her.You guys stay here.Don't tell anyone and don't panic.If she comes here then call me right away and take care of Agha Jan."

He spoke mechanically ,like he was used to talking with his men.Essa nodded and Behram turned on his heels leaving the house to find the her.


"I wanna know it as soon as possible .Find her"!! He disconnected the line and almost cracked his cell phone crushing it in a tight grip.His blood was pumping harshly in his veins trying to find it way out of the agitation.

The day was passing and every passing moment was putting him on the edge ,his mind was delivering worst case scenarios and he gritted his teeth in aggravation.


"Yes Salaar"??

"We are trying to trace her phone.It was switched off at first then it was on twenty minutes earlier,we were able to trace the location" Behram already started moving out to his car ,five men in suits followed him immediately and he tilted his head towards the gate motioning the driver to take out the car.

"Where is she"??

"Some rest house,two hours away from here" He frowned knowing about a rest house.

Rest house??

How does she possibly have a rest house??

How can she go to some random rest house like that??

Is she out of her bloody mind

"Is she ok"?

"According to our sources she is fine.The driver is outside since then."

The driver started the car and sensing Behram's mood he hit the gas with full force.

"Call Agha Jan" Behram spoke in agrave tone.Worry and stress was clouding his mind and anger was coursing through his every fiber.

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