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"Hinata." The boy in front of her muttered, in a low yet contemplative tone. Flickers of emotions she couldn't pinpoint were dancing faintly in his cerulean blue eyes as they lingered on her. His eyes, they weren't wide or alert like they usually are, instead— they were half lidded ,mysterious, serious yet somehow calm and careless. The complexity in his eyes wasn't something she was used to,but they were so alluring it made her feel as if she's been trapped in a magic spell that made her entirety all numb, a sort of trance,—where she had no control of, where she couldn't escape—but, for some reason wasn't bothered to break free from in the first place.

"You really are beautiful" He voiced, his gaze had turned soft and admiring,as if all the cold he harbored all his life, in those ice-blue orbs had melted that mere instant. His expression now looked wistful, while he laced his calloused fingers through her soft, silky midnight blue hair.

The heat rushing to her cheeks was a guarantee by then. Her heart felt like it was going to explode just by that simple little compliment, she felt so embarrassed that it meant so much to her, coming from him, the man she loved. The man she looked up to, the man she vowed to stand by together for as long as she lived. She forcefully shut her eyes, the crimson color had already taken full control of her face! This is not good, she thought in her poor little head.

It's been a few months since they've been together, yet she still can't seem to stop her habit of frequently turning into a red tomato in front of him. Actually, she's surprised she didn't faint 100 times already, considering what happened last night and ri-- All her thoughts halted and suddenly it felt like all the hot water in the world was poured on her soul when she recalled the night before in her mind. 

Judging by the expression on her features, Naruto seemed to have understood everything that's going on in her pretty little head, if that playful smirk now plastered on his face wasn't much of an evidence...

"Hinata," Naruto hovered over her petite frame and leaned down towards her neck. He traced her collarbone with his tongue,satisfied with how her breath hitched, he bit the soft skin of her neck and came lower down, until he sucked the pink on her breasts--while she mewled,her body arched closer up to him,pleasure once again surging through her veins and making her feel very hot around her face. The touches he marked, still ghosted over her entire body.

"Princess, don't you think we should go for one more round?" He whispered, into her ear , carefully yet teasingly.His voice was low enough to indicate that he just woke up but teasing enough to sound like he was anticipating her flushed cheeks. 

"Ah!N-Naruto kun!" If the past night wasn't enough to drive his sanity to the edge, Naruto wasn't sure if he could be sane anymore. The sinful ways she kept moaning, mewling and crying out his name with so much desperateness clung to her voice was really testing his limits. Her barely open eyes, were saturated with so much lust and want, add all the pretty little sounds she makes with even the slightest of his touch--it's as if his fingertips were sending electric shivers through her sensitive skin,capable of making her mind and body explode enough to cry out his name. It was enough to even make him a little flushed.  Hinata is really a sinfully beautiful creature. Who knew a girl once so shy and timid could sound so fucking sexy in bed? So much that made him loose his senses and growl into every kiss they had. 

"So lewd." He leaned up and trailed down her inner thighs with the pad of his fingers, a tint of red embarrassment colored his cheeks, as he eyed the girl below him. She was sprawled on his bed, her silky hair splayed gracefully all over the place, her breaths were heavy and uneven, her nipples hard and exposed Hinata has never felt so much shame at that one comment from Naruto, she knew she was sensitive but she never thought even a ghost of breath on her ear was enough to make her a moaning mess. Hinata wanted to cry, she never felt so bare and indecent all her life and she certainly did not want to be, in front of the man she loved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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