We Found The New Black Ranger!

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Setting: Angel Grove High School, 3:00 p.m., Friesday!

We are waiting for Orion to get out of the stupid classroom!  He's taking a test because he decided to run into a wall instead of taking it yesterday.

The new girl is looking for something in her backpack, when she gets a call. Is she a spy?

She grabs her backpack and runs, not knowing that five little thingies fell out.

"Hey! You forgot something!" Delilah yells, but the Serenity doesn't hear her.

"What are those?!" Derek yells in that weird way boys do as he points at the small gray and black thingies.

"Wait," I say as I get closer. "Are those the astro morphers?!"

"Where'd she get those?" Orion says causing Delilah to screech and punch him.

"I don't know," I go over and pick them up. "They are!"

Everyone's eyes widen.

"How?!" Delilah yells. "They went missing with Mom and Dad and the others!"

"How what?" Kara walks up.

"Where were you, Babe?" Derek asks.

"Asleep," she replies. "In my band room locker."

"How...." I trail off. "Nevermind."

"How did you fit in your band room locker, Kara?" Delilah asks her.

My dear cousin looks at her like she's an idiot and yells. "I'm short!"

Delilah sighs softly. "Alrighty, back to the issue at hand... I CALL DIBS ON THE BLUE ONE!"

"THAT ONE'S MINE!" Derek yells after her as I facepalm. They can really be idiots sometimes.

"You can have the pink one." Delilah grabs the blue morpher and grins.

"It's not gonna fit you." I say.

"We can always try," she trails off. "How did Dad say to do this again?"

"NOT HERE!" I nearly scream.

"Uhg! Then where? You know I hate waiting."

"At home!"

"Then can we leave now? Please please please!" she jumps up and down.

"Do we have everyone?"


"Then yes."


Journey Into Space (Power Rangers in Space next generation) *rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now