The Call

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It's been 4 years since Momma and Daddy disappeared, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

We were all in the simulation room playing basketball when they got the call. Someone was in trouble. I'd had a bad feeling about it, but no one listened to me. No one except Daddy.

"We're rangers," He's said. "It's our job to help people, no matter the risk."

"But what if you never come back?" I asked him.

"We will. I promise."

I had started to cry at that point.

"I was gonna wait until your birthday, but..."

"I can wait!"

He laughed, "I know you can, Mandie."

I smiled softly at the reference to one of my favorite book series, the Mandie books.

That was when he gave me my rocket necklace then left with his team.

 That was the last time I saw Daddy, Momma, Aunt Cassie, Uncle T.J., Uncle Carlos, or Uncle Zhane.

Now it's just us kids and Aunt Karone. She keeps us alive. Without her we would be running around naked and wild. (Cookies for anyone who gets that reference.)

Except for right now. Now it's 10:30 at night and she insists on staying up with me.

"You know you can go to bed, right, Aunt Karone?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "No," she says. "Not until you're in bed."

"I'll be fine."

"I promised your father that I'd take care of you and your brother."

"I know."

Suddenly DECA, the autopilot for the megaship, chimes in. "Astra, Karone, we are receiving a message."

"From whom?" I ask.

"Your father."

"WHAT?!" Aunt Karone and I yell at the same time and run into the cockpit.

"DADDY!" I yell as soon as I see his face in video form, he looks different, his right eye is swollen shut and his left isn't much better, his hair is much longer, his lip is busted, and he looks tired like he hasn't slept in years, he looks like his shower life is the same way.

But he smiles as soon as he sees us. "Hi, babygirl. Hi, sis."

"Andros!" Aunt Karone screams. "Where are you?! Where's Zhane?!" Uncle Zhane is her husband.

"We're fine, Karone."

"You don't look fine!" I yell at him.

Daddy chuckles, "I might have lied a little bit."

"Where are you, Daddy?!"

"We don't know."

"We?" I ask.

"Me, your mom, your uncles and Aunt Cassie."

"Are you all in the same place?"

"Most of the time."

"Most?" Aunt Karone asks.

Daddy frowns. "Sometimes they take us into another room and beat us. We can never fight back."

"WHY NOT?!" I scream.

"They chain us up and gag us."

I'm crying at this point. "Who's 'they'?"

"The United Alliance of Evil."

"WHAT?!" Aunt Karone screeches.

"They want you back, K."

"What are you talking about?" I ask, scared.

"I used to be Astronema," Aunt K says dejectedly.

"The villainess that almost destroyed the power rangers for good?!"


That one three letter word was enough to change my life forever.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Did you even tell Kara?!"

"Tell me what?" Kara Nimmo, my cousin, yawned, walking into the room.

"Your mother was Astronema!"


"We'll talk about this later," Aunt K says.

"She's right," Daddy says. "I have to go."

"DADDY!" I scream.

He smiles, "We'll be fine, Astra. Find the next black ranger, her name is-" He was cut off and the screen went black.

"Speaking of black," Delilah walks in.

I growl and glare at her, she may be my best friend, but she makes terrible jokes.

"My jokes are wonderful," she says.

"How?" Derek, her twin brother asks. "Nevermind."

"Was that Dad?" my brother, Orion, chimes in. He may be a year younger than me, but we're somehow in the same grade and he's a lot taller than me.

"Yeah...." I'm sobbing now. "We have to find them!"

"Not tonight," Aunt K says. "You have school tomorrow."

"I HATE YOU!" I yell, run into my room, and cry myself to sleep.

Journey Into Space (Power Rangers in Space next generation) *rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now