Bonus Chapter: Scandalous

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(At Quartz Palace)

(Sapphire's POV)

As soon as we arrive, Ruby's siblings are taken to the shower room to be washed thoroughly. Meanwhile, while Ruby stays with them, Pearl and I go upstairs to have a talk with my mother- we don't actually talk much (I talk to my father in another country more so) and she seems so distant, despite co-managing the whole "operation sister hunt" thing. I arrive at her grand bedroom door 4 times my height. I knock, but no one answers the door. I hear some suggestive...noises from the other side.

"Uh, mother?"

More noises...

"Mother...if you're busy I can come another time-"

"No, it's fine! Just give me a second!"

I hear some clumsy footing, followed by a lock opening. My mother is in a hastily tied dressing gown, sweaty and flushed.

"Sapphire! What brings you here?!"

"I came to talk to you-"

"Of course, what do you want to talk about, darling."

"Uh...can I come in, please?"

"No!" she replies awkwardly.

"Your majesty, your behaviour seems strange. Are you in danger?" Pearl enquires with a worried look on her face.

"I'm perfectly fine, just...don't come in-"

"Who is there? Is that Sapphire? Hello!"

Much to my dismay, my father is relaxing on the bed in a silk robe, also quite flushed, but not as much as my mother, with a cheeky smile on his face. It is now obvious what they had been doing.

"Sapphire it's not what it looks like-"

"Yes it is!" my father interjects in the distance.

"We weren't doing anything-"

"Yes we were!" 

"And what exactly were you doing?!" Pearl marches past my mother and confronts my father. He stands up, slowly and smugly, and comes right up to Pearl's nose (which is still quite far away from her face). Then he leans forward to the side of her head, and loudly whispers: 

"Estabamos teniendo sexo."

My suspicions confirmed.

"And what does...sexo...mean?"

"You seem like an intelligent young woman, I'm sure you can figure it out."

Pearl swallows hard and takes a step back.

"Your Majesty, I understand that you and your husband engage rarely, and when you do there is little time, but I insist please control yourselves...the curtains are open."

"You're right Pearl. I'm so sorry...both of you."

"I suggest you put some clothes on. Would you like me to assist you?" Pearl offered, with as little  subtlety as possible. 

"I'm...quite alright doing it myself, thank you." It was clear that my mother wasn't oblivious, and had caught on as well.

"If that is what you wish." Pearl exits, walking abnormally quickly and blushing. It became apparent to me why Pearl is so loyal to my mother. What a tragic love story.

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