Chapter 2:Perfect Fit

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(At Quartz Gardens)

(Sapphire's POV)

All the ladies at the party are dressed beautifully, and appropriately. Their colours mingle with the shades of the gardens; light peach, salmon, light blue and pastel yellow. None of them are certainly wearing sickly green. My associate ladies bestowed to me by my mother are all looking lovely. They are nice girls- considerate and kind-everything they are hired to be. I did not get to choose my friends. I don't ask them about this, but I wonder how fake their smiles are.

"Sapphire my darling! You look...wonderful!" says one with a hint of a wry smile. She is extremely tall, ridiculously skinny and her light skin has a hint of gold, with deep green curly hair in an artistic bun. Her name is Erinite, but we call her Erin, and her forest green gem is on the back of her neck. Her dress is a dark forest green.

"Yes...simply darling!" says another-her name is Crystal. Undoubtedly the most pampered of my three ladies-she is pale white in colour, medium sized, with intricately plaited silver hair down her back. Her gem is very small (despite her enormous ego), a bindi gem. Her dress is a dark grey.

"It really uh...its lovely darling." Silk is the smallest of my ladies- very busty, showing plenty of cleavage and probably the nicest out of the three. Her dress is beautiful; a mixture of peach, gold and cream, all satin and loose with light fabric, with flowing material strips from the back and detached sleeves. Her hair is frizzy, and a mixture of pink and gold, and her gem is very low down on her chest. Out of all three, she seems like a real friend.

"Now darling, I know you haven't been on the hot topic list lately, so I took the liberty of giving you five suitors-they are all wonderfully capable and any one of them would be perfect for you!" says Crystal.

"Crystal, you know I'm not looking for anyone yet. And besides; a lot of the men in this country are far too arrogant for my liking. My hand requires a more gentle touch...perhaps a gem from Sapphiero?" I say bluntly. I watched with a slight grin as Crystal pulled a horrified look and Erin looked faint. 

"Certainly not! My dearest, sweetest princess...the male gems from your father's country tend to be a tad...presumptuous, darling." Erinite states cautiously.

"Presumptuous? Certainly not! My dearest, sweetest Erin. The suitors from this country however fit that adjective completely." It feels good to do that. Erin purses her lips, crystal snaps her fan and Silk tries not to smile too much. 

"When is afternoon tea served?" Crystal breaks the tension behind her fan.

(At Prime Cut Suitors)

(Ruby's POV)

"Eight suits please." asks Navy, innocently. The gem at the counter can't see his costumers. We don't even come up to the counter!

"Uh...hello?" he calls, confused.

"Down here mister."

"Ah! Ah..." he looks down at the 8 red dwarfs beneath him. Shoulder and Backhand are busy using the coat peg as a climbing frame, Leggy is trying to get unstuck from a top hat, Army just looks angry at life, Eyeball glares up at the tailor and snarls, while Doc tries to pay attention but keeps darting her eyes to a bursting wallet in a lost property box in the corner of the room.

"Where are your parents, may I-"

"Parents?!" Army releases all her energy at once. 

"And how old do you suppose we are, mister?" Navy asks politely.

"Um...five or six?"

"FIVE OR SIX?" Army is starting to set fire to the expensive carpet, so I get Eyeball to usher her outside for a breather-I don't want to spend any more of our money.

"Sorry mister, you are quite mistaken. We have all just turned 14, so we are capable of making our own decisions." Navy says, proudly. The tailor adjusts his glasses, then cleans them. Twice. 

"Look, sir. Some people are tall, and some people are short." says Shoulder.

"We are short, is that a problem?" Backhand interrupts.

"Well, yes, if you want these today. I'm afraid we don't have your size."

"Well how small is a small?"one of us asks. The tailor pulls out a suit as tall as three of us.

"This isn't going to work.  How about coats. You got any coats?" Doc asks.

"Yes, right this way."The tailor directs us to a long corridor of trench coats, crombies, top coats, duffel coats and over coats. Eyeball nods at a large cream trench coat, whilst Army looks longingly at a tough black suit jacket. I still don't understand what is going on, and considering it is the peak of summer, we would look entirely out of place. But the others seem to catch Doc's drift, as she chooses the largest coat in the room; a beautifully made duffel coat measuring all 8 of us in height. Now I see. I don't think its a good idea, but I see.

We arrive back in the main room and the Tailor goes to the cashier. After heaving the coat onto the till, he takes a look down at us again. 

"And you are sure this is what you want?"he asks. Shoulder and Backhand had grabbed one of the coats earlier and are now walking around under it and bashing into walls, Leggy has found a bug and is dictating its life story, while Army and Eyeball are having an arm wrestle and Doc is counting up her money. The bursting wallet is now gone.


"Do you have he money to pay for it? Its 3000 crystal."

"I think we'll manage." 

And with that, Doc pulls out a huge bulging case from somewhere, and slams it on the table with a grin. The tailor looks baffled and suspicious.

"And where did you get all this money from?!"

"It's money, that's what matters!" Army yells in the tailor's face, leaning strongly against the delicate till counter. The tailor takes his money quickly and presents the coat, terrified.

(Monarch Street- left side of Quartz Palace)

"Everybody ready?" Doc announces to the others. We are all stacked on top of each other.


And with that, Shoulder and Backhand pull the coat around us, and we look like a grown up! Sort of...

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