Chapter 7

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The Mikaelsons were split up, walking around the town, looking for any sign of a member of the Salvatore's group of mischiefs. This was decided at the bar when they realized it was quiet and peaceful for a night in Mystic Falls. They decided to send Annalise home, where it was safe for, so they could look out for any signs of trouble, with Finn and Sage accompanying them.

They  were just meeting up at the Town Square near the Grill with reports.

"It seems as if the Scooby-doo gang are sulking in defeat," Klaus said with a smirk.

"Its quiet," Rebekah stated, looking around, as if the doppelganger and her friends are going appear in plain sight. Finn and Sage agreed.

"Too quiet," Elijah mumbled.

At that moment it felt as if Mystic Falls was hit with Thor's hammer. Thunder roared. Clouds poured streams of water. Earth shook violently.

This caused the Mikaelsons and Sage to lose their balance.

"Bloody hell," Rebekah said, once she regained her balance.

They looked up at the sky in confusion. This wasn't any ordinary storm, they knew this for sure.

"This isn't an ordinary storm, is it," Finn asked his siblings.

"No, brother, I'm afraid it is not," Elijah answered. "Look for the source of this storm. The Bennett witch must be up to something."

Elijah turned ready to walk away.

"Where are you going," Rebekah asked.

"To check on the safety of Annalise," Elijah answered.

With that he sped away, leaving his family to search for the witch.


Caroline and Elena were at the Forbes house. They were talking about how life has changed so drastically from meeting the Salvatore Junior year to Annalise coming into town.

"What's the deal between her and Elijah," Elena asked Caroline.

"I don't really know," Caroline answered. "But, when I was at the Mikaelson Mansion, she seemed extremely happy. Elijah took great care of her. And the way that they looked...," she paused.

"What, Caroline," Elena pressed.

"The way he looked at her, the way she looked at him, it was as if they were in love," Caroline released a breath. "I don't think they even notice that they love one another yet."

"Caroline," Elena looked at her friend confused. "They can't be in love with each other so quickly. They just met."

"No," Caroline shook her head, her curls swaying. "They've known each other for four years, they just decided to act upon their feelings for one another. According to Annalise, it was lust at first sight, and love after several encounters."

Both girls laughed. When the girls grew up, Annalise would always tell them to believe in lust at first sight, never think about love as soon as you meet someone. Never jump straight into a relationship, get to know the person before  thinking about being with them.

Though Caroline never listened, until recently with Matt and Tyler. Bonnie still hasn't learned the concept yet. And Elena set herself up for danger with the Salvatore brothers.

Their laughter soon came to a stop at the sound of thunder and the shake of the ground.

"What the hell," Caroline yelled in surprise as she and Elena fell. "What's going on?"

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