I tried to divert my eyes slightly, which clearly gave him the hint.

"Oh well, at least I was entertaining to some people... You know, that's how I met Klara first. She came by the restaurant with your sister and asked me for a business card."

As Yuuri chuckled about our friend it suddenly hit me that I still had no idea how he felt about her. He didn't seem to look at her the way I look at him but maybe he was just an amazing actor (or I was just blindingly obvious).

I left him to rest for a minute and fetched the bacon sandwiches (much to Makkachin's annoyance as she'd clearly been planning on stealing them) and some coffee.

I wasn't really sure if Yuuri liked coffee that much or how he liked it but I just made two cups the way I usually do. Milk, plenty of sugar; sweet and delicious!

As for the bacon sandwiches, they were now, probably, perfect eating temperature and I wasn't exactly going to wait any longer to eat it. Mine was finished in a matter of seconds and I was quickly preparing a tray to take things through to Yuuri.

When I reentered the room he looked up drowsily at me with a small attempt at a smile forming on his lips. He didn't say anything but the 'thank you' came across just fine without any words.

I left the tray with him as I went to go get ready. I didn't want him to become so awake that he could start judging my poodle pyjamas while I was in the room.

Yes, you heard me, poodle pyjamas! Why? Because I am trash. I am simply the biggest trash that ever walked the planet and if you haven't realised that yet then you are most likely blind (if you are blind then I am amazed because how are you reading this).

My nightwear falls in to two categories:

1. Elegant and silky

2. Comfy trash

I finished getting ready quickly and returned to Yuuri, who was looking only slightly better than he had been before I left, to find that he'd finished the food I'd made him and drained the coffee mug.

I smiled at him again before proceeding to make my way over to the bed. I sat down only about a foot away from him but still didn't feel close enough to help. I would have shuffled closer but something stopped me; something incredible.

Yuuri shuffled over to me himself and rested his head on my chest.

My heart began to flutter and started its ascent to one-hundred-and-forty beats per minute.

We sat there for a few minutes, just leaning into a soft embrace. I allowed my hand to run softly through his hair to comfort him and couldn't help but notice how soft his locks were. Everything about this man seemed to soft (except for his abs; those definitely weren't soft).

By the time we moved from our spot on the bed I couldn't bring myself to care as the rest of the day progressed in a very similar way. We sat on my sofa almost all day, snuggled up against each other as we watched several films and fended off concerned texts from Chris and Phichit (speaking of Phichit, how did he get my number?).

As I felt his smaller frame rested up against mine I couldn't help but smile contentedly.

Whether he was hungover or not, this was just fine.

A/N: Finally done 😪

Sorry about the wait again. School has really been stocking up on the work (I had six exams last week).


I've also now done my Ballet Bronze ISTD and my Modern Dance Grade 3 ISTD 😊 are you proud of me? I think I did well.

I'm super hyped for the Yuri!!! On ICE movie!!!!!! MORE CONTENT YES!!!!!!!

(I also delved into the anti tag I. Tumblr... Big mistake.)

I also indoctrinated my mum to the series yesterday 😊☺️😊☺️.

I have some Drama stuff to do tomorrow and I'm panicking about my History homework now since I was ill yesterday and today I was doing my Textiles work and having to drop everything 'cause my great-aunt fell over 😢.

I'm pretty certain I'm just rambling by this point so I'll end it here.

I hope everyone is doing okay and remember that I believe in you #motivation 😊💜

~Madie x💜

Chapter Completed: 14.5.17 (23:37PM)

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