Chapter 11

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A/N: This song above is The Sound Of Silence By Disturbed. It is the song I was listening to when I wrote this chapter.  Also possible trigger warning. You have been warned!

     Time seemed to be moving in slow motion. They had waited for hours to hear something. The fire spread to another car, but eventually, the fire brigade managed to put it out. When They were finale able to get into the train cars the one that had caught on fire had been empty. It had been the only one empty. There were 76 people injured and no casualties. Phil was not among them though. Nor was he on the train before or after that one.

He had purchased a ticket for the train that crashed, and he had gotten on it. His luggage was on the train. The train had made no stops from the time it left the station to the time it crashed. There was no sign on the burning car that anyone had been on that car, and the police did not belie Phil was in it at the time of the crash. There was no sign of him. No way the police could see for him to get off. He was just gone.

Dan, Mackenzie, and Tanner had been moved to a safe house in an undisclosed location. They weren't told why they believed them to be in danger. The three believed the police had reason to believe whoever was stalking them had gotten to Phil.

There was a solemn silence in the air. Tanner sat in the corner crying blaming herself. she would occasional text or call Phil, but the phone was off, and no response came.

Dan sat in the window not talking. His mind going 100 miles a minute. His best friend was missing. This had all happened after the girls had come to stay with them. He didn't want to blame them, but deep down in the pit of his stomach, a small voice called out to him. Telling him if the girls hadn't come none of this would have ever happened.

His gaze turned falling upon Mackenzie. The girl he had been in love with for two years. She sat on the couch; tears streaming down her face. She hadn't looked at Dan since they had found out Phil was missing. He knew her though and knew she was blaming herself. Beating herself up about it. her head tilted and her gaze met his. She immediately stood up and ran into the bathroom slamming the door behind her.

He wanted desperately to run to her. To hold her and tell her it wasn't her fault. That no matter what he loved her, and nothing would tear them apart. His feet wouldn't let him though, and he kept hearing that voice blaming her and Tanner for Phil's disappearance. Instead of going to her, and being there for her he stood up and made his way to one of the bedrooms shutting the door, and laying on the bed. He felt the hot tears he had been holding in begin to slip down. He felt all the anger and the fear explode from him at that moment.

He didn't hear the door open or hear the footsteps crossing the room. He didn't even feel the bed cave ever so slightly to the weight of the girl, but he felt her arms. He warm loving arms. He felt her pull him into a hug, and for the first time since the ordeal began, she was comforting him instead of him comforting her.

The tears came harder to this. Dan feeling his heart breaking. Phil wasn't just his best friend. Phil was his brother. He was possibly the best person Dan had ever met, and he was missing. Who knew what these people were doing to him. Was he even still alive? Dan didn't even want to entertain that idea.

     The two laid there in silence until the door opened once Moore, and closed footsteps padding across the room. Tanner slid into bed next to Dan and the three huddled together crying and worried about their friend. Wondering if he was still even alive. Each blaming themselves.

A/N: If you guys are enjoying this story leave a comment letting me know. 

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