A New Master

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So this is a puppyshipping fanfic we had on Fanfiction.Net, our name is AcheronianAngel on their if you want to check it out, this is a collab between two sisters, and without further ado, enjoy~!

Seto Kaiba sat in his office, and tapped the keys quickly as he worked. Entirely zoned into his work, he hadn't noticed the knock on the door, which opened proudly and promptly revealing the knocker, Joey Wheeler. Kaiba looked up, disgusted, and gave a scowl. "What do you want, Wheeler? I'm busy." Kaiba hissed.

"Listen here, Moneybags, Mokuba just asked me to drop this off for you." The blonde shot back. Joey walked close to Kaiba's desk and dropped a blank creamy white envelope in front of him. "He said it was important."

Kaiba looked at Joey with his ever present glare. "If that's all, then get out of my office, mutt."

Joey started for the door, but not without giving the CEO a stone hard glare. Kaiba reached into his desk drawer, and pulled out a letter opener. He slit the letter open without hesitation, and stared at the contents.

"Wait Mutt," Kaiba ordered still looking at the paper in hand. The blonde stopped at the door, and looked over his shoulder.

"I'm not a dog! What is it!?" Joey scowled, turning around to face Kaiba. He walked over to the desk of the grumpy old troll, and-

Oh, wait, I meant he walked over to the desk of the very constipated looking- oh, wait, that's not right either...

He walked over to the desk of the young CEO, and tried getting a look at the small stack of papers in Kaiba's hand. The paper he was currently looking at was thick and was colored an off white, with gold trimmings, and it looked very formal and official. Kaiba shoved the stack in Joey's hands. The first paper seemed to be a hand written letter by none other than Mokuba. He read

"Dear Big brother,
When you were at the hospital for your broken wrist, I decided to take a roam around. I heard some of the nurses talking about a 'Mr. Wheeler' and I immediately assumed Joey, but then remembered he was at a tournament with Yugi, so must've been a relative. I hid at the corner and eavesdropped while they talked. I heard them talk about him having been treated with alcohol poisoning, and that it wasn't his first time, but it never got that bad. I began to worry, so I kept in. He was in a coma apparently. So after they left, I snuck a peek at this 'Mr. Wheeler' and the resemblance was undeniable, he was Joey's father. So I snuck in the office, used the ''ol puppy dog eyes' trick, and I got a hold of his papers, which also had his address. The place looked like it was hit with a twister... twice. But I got the feeling it was always like that. Since Joey lives alone for the time being, illegally at that, I was wondering if Joey could live with us! We have more than enough room, and I've always wanted a dog! I know you two don't get on good terms, but pleeeeeeeeeease Seto? For me?

Mt. Kaiba looked like it was steaming and ready to explode... and with real lava. He glared at Joey, imagining just sharing a house with the mutt. Oh, heheh, I mean mansion. Joey just stood there, not even regarding Mt. Kaiba ready to burst, but instead looked through the other papers Mokuba had put into the envelope. 'My 'ol man's in the hospital again? And the letter said it's worse than ever before...'

Kaiba looked at the blonde rummaging through various papers in his hands, wondering why he even handed the papers to him in the first place. As he thought it through once more, Mt. Kaiba really did explode.

"No." Kaiba declared, jumping out of his chair and bringing the other boy out of his stupor. "I won't allow it! I won't allow a mangy flea-ridden mutt into my house! Live on the streets for all I care, it's where your kind belongs! There is no way in hell I'd EVER live with you, Wheeler!"

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