1: the redemption of a slave

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"But mother I don't understand why I have to go," I said. "Because it wouldn't be polite if you turned down a personal invitation, the senator personally invited all of us to the fight," She said. "But its so barbaric! I don't want to watch enslaved men kill each other to survive, you don't fined the practice even a little bit inhumane!" I said. "It doesn't matter Aria! We are on Roman soil so we will respect their customs," She said. "Be lucky were not being seated near the colosseum floor, I heard they get sprayed with blood you know!" She said.

I sighed. It was hard to focus, the carriage was jostling around on the uneven terrain. "I'm starting to really hate this city, they don't have better roads? Why do they watch others kill each other for sport? Is this the great Roman empire?" I asked. "Stop acting out Aria, you only believe that because your not actually allowed to explore the city itself. Its a beautiful city with gorgeous architecture. The Romans have been kind to us, you sleep on the finest silks the whole city has to offer. You eat and drink the finest wines and meats. And you bathe in a marble bath with the most expensive soaps, all with the courtesy of the Roman empire. The least you could do is show some respect," She scolded.

I took a deep breath. She was right. "You let your father do all the talking, okay? If it gets to hard to watch just turn your head like a lady," She said. "Now stay still, let me see your face," She said. I stayed still looking straight ahead. My mother reached from where se was seated, right across from me, and put her finger on my chin.

"Beautiful, a true Thierian beauty. No wonder the Romans stare," She said. "Maybe we'll find you a husband," She said. "Mother!" I screamed. "I'm kidding, don't worry yourself to much," She said.

The carriage made a right turn. I slid open the curtain. I stuck my head out. "Aria, don't do that!" My mother scolded. I could see the colosseum ahead. It truly was a sight to see. Huge and towering. Many people littered themselves outside the gates placing last minute bets and standing in line. "Who did father pick to be our champion?" I asked sitting back down. "I don't remember, I was hardly paying attention. I was to busy trying not to get dirt on my dress, there were so many chickens around," She said.

The carriage stopped. I could see Roman guards approaching the carriage. They knew it was the Thierian royal family, courtesy of the carriage we rode in. It was a gift from the senator, it was decorated in our sigil colors. Red, green and gold. The intricate detailing matching the designs I was used to back home. It was a very thoughtful gift, and it wasn't just one, the senator gave us two. My father was currently riding in the other carriage following us from behind. Everywhere we went, everybody knew it was the royal family. Including the guards.

"Halt!" They spoke. I could see them through the window I had opened. It was always funny to me how obedient they were. They never made eye contact with me, as if it were a crime. The ones littered outside our villa stood in place like statues. They did not ever directly speak to me or my mother. It was strange, maybe the Romans saw it as a respect thing.

A solider spoke to the driver directing him to a private parking spot. They walked along side the carriage as we made it to the private area pushing aside anyone who got to close to the carriage. These people were so ridiculous.

After parking the carriage the driver stepped down to open the door and help us down. I smoothed my dress out as I stepped down onto the dusty floor. My mother was right behind me. I looked up to see my father parking right beside us. He opened the door himself and stepped down not waiting for the driver.

"It's grand isn't it?" He asked gesturing to the enormous feet of engineering. The brown stone walls of the colosseum seemed to stretch forever towards the heavens. "C'mon, we have a show to catch don't we?" He said out stretching his hand for my mother. My father was always a ray of sunshine. A great leader, the greatest leader in all of Thierian history. A benevolent and strategic ruler whose kindness was vast and his ruthlessness well known to all our enemies. He was a solider before he was king, they say that's what makes him such a great leader. His discipline.

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