Welcome to Overwatch

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"Welcome to the Overwatch academy, here you will learn combat skills and how to keep humanity and good omnics safe." he pauses looking around the room. "Back at home, you may have been the 'man' of the family. The lone wolf who works alone. Well here, you're nothing! Here you will go through lots of hard training, we will break you down and I will need you to push through the pain and sweat to get through. And that will only be the first week." He pauses looking at all our straight yet terrified faces, "But here, you'll learn and experience what it's like to be a part of something bigger. To be part of the team that makes a difference, and let me tell you now that there will not be one man or woman in this room who shall stand alone. Here you will be taught how to work together and win together! If not win together, then die together! You will help us answer Talon's threats and face them as one! Together we will win this war against Talon and achieve peace! Now, meet up with Winston and he will match you with you mentor's so you can help us achieve victory!" Morrison ends positively and the entire group cheers and heads over to Winston to see who we each get.

"Ok everyone, i'm going to say your name then the name of your mentor, some of you have the same mentor while others will have more than one mentor." He looks at his clipboard, "Ares," he said, "you will be with Genji for swordsman ship and Zarya for strength," he said and I look to Ares who's smiling about who he got. Other names were named off and I finally heard my name called, "Shyanne McLoughlin," he paused making sure I was in the group, "You will have Lucio due to your weaponry and Genji for abilities," He says and he continues to read off names. I look to Ares who happened to also be looking at me as well. I smile knowing we have a similar mentor, we could end up in a session together. Not sure what he's thinking but he smiles too. Winston finally stops talking and hands us each a paper, "These are your schedules for the time of your training, when you are ready, your mentor will sign a paper saying you are ready for your first mission. Now go to your first session marked at 8:00 am, you have 5 minutes to find your room." I immediately run over to Ares and I stand next to him and start comparing our schedules.

"Aww! I get mentored by Genji after you!" I sigh in disappointment "but I see Genji twice"

"Yea, I'll be with Zarya and weight training when you're with Genji" he says with a slight laugh, "Looks like we have the same lunch, so see you then?"

"Yea see you then," we smirk and part ways,  

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