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Being in this new country is strange, with this technology advancement why would they throw us all in this place and have us train to fight a war against robots? Couldn't we just shut down their power source? Wouldn't that be easier? I finally shrug off the stupidity of this world and exit my room to go back to the training session I somehow failed. Walking down the hall I realise I forgot how to get to the hangar. Luckily I see someone who might be able to help.

"Promiňte?" I say trying to get their attention, "promiňte," the person looks over, he's tall and has dark brown hair and weirdly looks like an american native. What do they call them? Cowboy?

"Hello there!" the man said with a strong accent,

"můžeš mi pomoci? ztratil jsem se." I say hoping he can help,

"Uh, what'd you say sir?" the american asks seeming confused,

"můžeš mi pomoci? ztratil jsem se." I say again hoping he'll understand

"Sorry I don't recon I know what you're sayin'," He says and I roll my eyes and I walk away. I'll find the hangar on my own. Since getting to the Overwatch training camp they've been trying to teach me English to help with communication, i've only been able to learn it well enough to where I can understand it, for some od reason I can't figure out how to speak it. What is with this language anyway? It's just weird, and why English? Why not French? Or Swiss? Or even Czech? Whatever, I guess i'll have to deal with this weird ass place. I continue making my way down this maze of hallways until I see another person, I once again try the strategy I used with the dumb american,

"Promiňte?" I say and wave to them, this time it was a behemoth of a man, he was extremely tall, about 7ft or even taller! He had massive armour and it looked like he was about to enter the locker rooms,

"Yes?" he says in his loud yet raspy voice,

"můžeš mi pomoci? ztratil jsem se." I say hoping he'll understand better than the dumb American.

"Jak vám mohu pomoci?" the behemoth asks in my native language,

"Pomůžete mi najít výcvikový hangár Hanzo Shimada?" I ask relieved someone spoke Czech

"Prostřednictvím chodby jsou páté dveře vpravo" he says pointing down the hallway. I nod thanking him and I start down the hall so I can get to my training lesson. Walking passed the second door, it flew open and I suddenly get trampled by a teenager about my same age. He was taller than me and his hand were drenched in blood,

"Sorry" he says flying up and taking off down the hall to where I came from, another trainee comes out of the room, he looked to me then looked where the kid ran off to.

"Alastar get your ass back here!" The trainee shouts as he goes into a sprint after him. The kid who goes by Alastar chuckling as he bolts down the hall. Suddenly I hear over the speakers I hear Morrison announce,

"Green alert, the base is on lockdown!" he repeats a few times. I see everyone rushing out of the hangers. I just stood there, I didn't even understand what he said. Just random gibberish and the flooding of the halls. I just moved to the wall to get out of everyone's way.

"Where the f*ck is that maggot?!"

"Where's mercy?!"

Everyone was flipping out, and I just sat there unknowing what was going on. Suddenly I see a young yet tall blonde girl getting carried out of the room where that boy Alastar ran out of. Her torso was drenched in blood. I could also tell her head had an injury due to her blonde hair turning red. The last thing I heard before they left the area,

"Shyanne needs medical attention now!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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