The Omnic Crisis

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Shyanne is Blonde with green highlights, her eyes are a Ocean blue with a tint of green that is best noticed in the sun. She is 19 years old and is a height of 6'1". Her clothing style consists of tight clothes with bigger longer jackets. Being born in Athlone Ireland, she has always loved the typical "lucky" things like 4 leafed clovers, Rainbows, Horse shoes, etc. She also has always believed in the bad luck sided of things aswell like Black cats, Walking under ladders, Opening umbrellas inside, etc. She lived in a family with her brother Alastar and her parents Aaron and Roger. Being the only girl in her family, she had to learn to do things on her own while trying to keep up with her brother. Alaster was Shyanne's best friend, she would always hang out with him whenever she had the chance. Alaster was always into the japanese culture, Fighting techniques to their language. In school he would learn as much as he could about the Japanese and their ways. Years pass and Ireland is in great trouble, Omnic robots have turned against the human race. Humans lived in harmony with the omnics, now they are turning against the humans and killing them on sight. Omnics have killed Aaron and Roger trying to protect Shyanne and Alastar. Shyanne was only 6 years old while Alaster was only 8, Alaster knew then that he would have to grow up fast to protect himself and his sister. He took little Shyanne's hand and they ran into the nearest house and they hid in the basement.

"Awex?" Shyanne says scared "Where's our Daddies?" She says hugging Alastar's arm,

"They're gone," Alaster says beginning to cry

"Where'd they go?" Shyanne says unable to understand

"Somewhere where they won't come back, they're gone forever." he says trying to have it make sense to her.

"What?!" she gasps and starts crying "But dey have to come back! I wuv dem!"

"I don't think that's how it works Shy...." He freezes hearing movement from upstairs, It sounded like omnics. They're probably searching for survivors so there won't be survivors. "Shy, we got to move, stay quiet" Alaster says to Shyanne and she nods getting up to follow him. Alastar starts searching through the wreckage and he finds a secret bunker, unused. He motioned that they hide in there. Hearing a robot coming down the stairs and Alastar scrambles to block the entrance from view. It's mechanical movements growing nearer and nearer Alastar and Shyanne holding their breaths. The omnic shoots boxes and corners to see if there are any survivors. Alastar gets a shot to the foot he gasps as Shyanne lets out a squeal which was immediately cut off by Alastar covering her mouth with his hand trying not to make a noise himself because of the pain. The omnic shifts his step then transforms into a turret and scans the room. Alastar moves Shyanne to the back of the bunker and puts himself near the entrance, If anyone has to die it's going to be him. The omnic switches back and starts to leave, only to stop 2 steps away hearing a noise of something falling. It transforms into a turret again and turns completely around shooting whatever fell. Realizing it was just a paint can it got back up and tracked up the stairs. Alastar removes his hand from Shyanne's mouth and holds a finger to his telling her to be quiet. He opens the bunker door and slowly crawls out to see if the coast is clear. He makes sure it's safe then gives her the O.K. to come out. "Shyanne I need you to find me a medical kit or some bandages," he says showing her his foot. "It hurts too much to move." His foot was covered in blood, there was torn tissue and skin bone was clearly visible as well. Shyanne was so fascinated, she's always loved helping people but she's never helped a wound like this. She stands up and is like drawn to a corner shelf, inside there is medical supplies to help with Alastar's wound. Grabbing the supplies and returning to Alastar she gets to work, cleaning the wound off with a water bottle then wrapping it in a bandage. Afterwards helping Alastar to his feet, he winces in pain and collapses once again. Searching in the medical kit, Shyanne finds some pain meds and hands them to Alastar who takes them.

"We'll have you try standing in an hour," she says like she is his doctor, "What do you want to do while we wait?" Shyanne asks sitting next to her brother.

"I just want to take a nap, too much has happened today." Alastar says as he lies on the ground grasping his foot. Shyanne sat there boredly once Alastar fell asleep, she found a couple rocks and started tossing those around. Suddenly she heard a door creak open from upstairs, she froze and stared at the ceiling. Following the sound of the door was the sound of footsteps, there were multiple beings, omnics or not she was terrified.

"Awex! Awex!" she whisper yells shaking him, he doesn't budge. He's in too deep a sleep. She panics and she runs to hide in the bunker, Shyanne is frozen as she hears the beings come down the stairs. "Sowwy awex..." she whispers as she backs into the dark. A being enters the room.

"There's one down here!" the man calls up the stairs, he sounded like an older man. As the man steps into the light to approach Alastar, I see him more clearly. He is a tall man, with light blonde hair, Blue eyes, along with his attire which was also blue, he had a glass eye piece. The man kneels next to Alastar, what is he going to do to him?!

"Jack? Where are you?" I hear a woman's voice from upstairs,

"Angela, down here!" Jack calls up the stairs to her. A bright yellow light comes from the door and from the door appears a woman. She was tall aswell with blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a white suit with fiery colored sleeves. Angela approached Alastar, scared about what might happen I close my eyes, I see a bright light through my eyelids but opening my eyes was delayed because I had to sneeze. Jack picks up Alastar and he starts to walk up the stairs with Angela shortly behind, I let out my sneeze. Angela's head shoots my direction and I duck deeper into the shadows.

"I think there's another," she says smiling and walking in my direction. She kneels right in front of me but she still can't see me. " it's ok, I won't hurt you." she says calmly holding out her hand for me to take it. I hesitate but then I reach out and grasp her hand and I slowly come out of my hiding place. "It's OK little one, we're here to help." I stand up and I walk with Angela and Jack out of the building, I look up and I see Alastar limp on Jack's shoulder. I feel so awkward, But then I see others come out of the buildings around us. One was a woman with a beret, she came out of a building with a small child a little younger than me. Another was an old-ish man, he was a behemoth like 7 feet tall, he was mostly armor, he was standing with a teen boy and a baby. There were others but they were holding off omnics, in the other direction was a drop ship, I guessed that was our ride. We turn heading that direction, Approaching the drop ship from my right bullets start flying, and I see Jack fall to the ground and tossing Alastar. Suddenly all the people that were found in buildings were thrown behind the behemoth of a man and he holds up a shield while everyone else attacks the omnic turret.

"Awex!!!!" I yell seeing him just on the ground as Jack is about to die, then I see Angela run over healing Jack with her staff thing and picking up my brother and bringing him behind the shield.

"Barrier won't hold forever!" the behemoth yells in his deep raspy voice. Suddenly he drops his barrier and swings his hammer sending a burst of flames toward the omnic then putting the barrier back up. Not long after he puts it back up, it's breaks. "Barrier has been destroyed!" the behemoth yells. Being completely exposed to the flying bullets, I start feeling a lot of sharp pains and everything goes black.

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