Author's Note

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Hi readers, thank you for choosing our story to read! First, a brief intro about the authors. This account is created by two people, Swara and Pakhe. We both decided to do this because Swara is good at coming up with ideas and editing and Pakhe is good at typing and writing. It creates a perfect pair. And what could be better than using our skills to write splendid and enjoyable stories for you guys! We are writing beautifully pieced together stories which will definitely get you addicted and keep you hanging. We also appreciate your support and please ask that you refrain from negative comments as we are people too and we have feelings. Anyway, we hope you like our stories.

Also, we are in high school and we get loads of homework everyday, as we are sure most of you can relate to, so we don't have a fixed schedule of when to update chapters. But we will try our best to take time out of our agendas to continue with these stories. You can expect us to update each chapter between one to two weeks. If there is any delay, we will notify you guys in advance. We won't let our readers down!

We worked really hard in writing "Ruby and Stone", and we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did creating it!

We have a few rules that we'd like our readers to follow regarding the story.

1.) No translations of this story in any language or dialect, even the credits are ours.

2.) Do not copy this story and do not post it in any website.

3.) This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the authors' imaginations, or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

4.) The uploading, scanning, and distribution or this book in any form or by any means, including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the author is ILLEGAL AND PUNISHABLE BY LAW. You support of the authors' rights is appreciated.

5.) Please let us know immediately if you know anyone copying this story or posting it in any website.

Thank you for abiding by these rules and supporting our rights.

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