and for the first time in forever // last part

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"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, 19, was found dead at his Australia home in Sydney this Saturday afternoon. Good friends of him, Calum Hood and Michael Clifford, had tried contacting the suspect, but with every single call, none were answered. This of course got the friends of Mr. Irwin very worried. 

Mr. Irwin, also known as the drummer and vocalist of the Australian band, 5 Seconds of Summer, was known to have fell in deep depression after the death of his former pair, Luke Hemmings, guitarist and vocalist also in the band, 5 Seconds of Summer. The two were very close together.

So, what could be the cause of his death?

Could it be the hate he was getting from many angered fans that didn't suport him and his choices?

Could it be that many were angered because of his sexual orientation? That he was into the same sex instead of the opposite?

It could be many things, things we don't know, things going on in his private life.

Today, we celebrate the love we have all shared with him. He loved his fans like they were his family. He was always tweeting on Twitter how much he loves them and how thankful he is for making his dreams come true because of the many fans who supported him and the band. 

His most outstanding tweet was and always will be: @Ashton5SOS: you love who you love dude, gay, lesbian, or straight :D <3 ITS ALL LOVE, and love is fucking awesome 

He was always open minded and very kind-hearted. He has helped many and saved tons of fans.

He didn't refer to his fans as 'fans', but as his 'family'.

He was very passsionate about drumming and took his career very seriously. He absolutely adored traveling to many places, and going on tour was one of his favorites. He loved meeting fans and always wanted them to be safe when meeting them.

The police has investigated his P Sherman Wallaby Way home in Sydney and has tried to find what has caused the death. Our news investigators tells us she was told Mr. Irwin was found lying near a bottle of pills spilled out. He was also found clutching a letter on his hand. 

The letter read:

Luke, please know that I tried my very best to stay as long as possible. But, I just can't. I can't anymore. 

These past months were very hard to get through, but I some how survived through them all until now.

While I was not out and about with Calum and Michael, I spent my time in bed writing a song for you. It's called "Say Something".

So.. here it goes.

Say something, I'm giving up on you

Please, Luke, just say something, anything, or a sign just telliing me you'll always be there for me because I'm starting to feel like we're not as close as we were before.

I'll be the one, if you want me to

Anything, just anything, Luke. Please... I'm begging you. Just before it's too late...

Anywhere I would've followed you

If it wasn't for you and your encouraging-ness, I would've done it long ago. I would be with you right now, wrapped around in your loving arms, inhaling that scent I  have missed for months.

Say something, I'm giving up on you..

C'mon, just one thing, anything. Make it rain. It hasn't rained for days. It makes the world more lonely. 

wherever you are // lashton (5SOS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें