Chapter 2

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Astrid fled off and it was just Mr Urie and me. We walked into his office, the awkwardness growing and my stomach churning even more.

"W-what seems to be the problem?" I asked once we both sat down.

"I just wanted to tell you, privately, that if you ever feel down or anything negative happens with your father, or anything, that I'm here. I don't mind helping you out." He sent me a cute little smile.


"Look, sometimes I can be rude, if I am towards you, just know that I'm either stressed or taking my anger out on you. You're a great student! Probably my favourite." He gave me an even bigger smile, which warmed my insides. He's cute when he smiles. Wait! What the hell am I saying, I'm thirteen and he's thirty, I think?

"Thanks!" I said again, not really knowing what to say.

"Was that all?" I asked, not trying to be rude.

"Yes, you may return to class and enjoy the rest of the one hour you have." He got up and opened the door for me. I smiled and we had an awkward moment before I scurried off to class.

I walked in and Drake was at the front of the class, telling us jokes.

"Where do poor meatballs live? The spaghetto." I laughed and everyone looked at me. They seemed concerned, but I sat down beside Astrid and we just continued with the jokes.

Later at home

"So how was your day?" My mum asked.

"Well we had a presentation for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, so of course I broke down and had to leave the presentation

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"Well we had a presentation for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, so of course I broke down and had to leave the presentation. Mr Urie took me out and yeah." I said. She nodded and looked down.

"Things have been different since your father left." She said slowly.

"Yeah, I know."

"What would you think if I started dating again?" I didn't really know how to feel. On one hand, it had only been a year since his passing, but it would probably make her happier. Not that she's happy enough, she's always got a smile on her face and is optimistic.

"Depends, the guy has to be hot, sweet, and rich." We both laughed. "But seriously, I think if it'll make you happier, then you should do it."

She smiled and we both hugged.

"You're the best daughter a mother could ever have!" She kissed my forehead.

"You're the best mother a daughter could ever have!" We let go of the hug and ate dinner together.

Sarah was the best mum ever. She was beautiful, sweet, and caring.

The next day at school

I walked in and Mr Urie was standing at the entrance like usual. This time he waved to me. I waved back, and when I passed him, I ran to my locker.

Our first class was band class. Terribly enough, our band teacher was sick, so Mr Urie wanted to fill in. And of course, he had to fill in on the day that I would promise everyone I'd perform a song I made.

I took the guitar and everyone was looking at me, even Mr Urie. He was leant up against the wall as everyone was in a chair.

I took a deep breath in and started to strum the guitar softly.

When the world gets too heavy
Put it on my back
I'll be your levy
You are taking me apart
Like bad glue
On a get well card
It was always you
Falling for me
Now there's always time
Calling for me
I'm the light blinking at the end of the road
Blink back, to let me know

Like I said before, I'm proud of my musical abilities. Everyone clapped when I finished. Mr Urie was against the wall in amazement. His mouth was opened and he was just in shock.

"Thank you! I call that song Always!" I bowed and put the guitar away. Brendon walked up to me and pulled me out of the room.

"Where did you learn to play the guitar like that and sing?" He asked.

"Both self-taught!" I smiled, causing him to laugh and run a hand through his hair.

"You know, I play instruments too. I also sing, but would you like me to teach you, if not it's fine." He sort of laughed.

"No no no, I'd love that! Thanks for asking! How much would I have to pay you?" I asked him, causing him to tilt his head back in laughter.

"It's free, I'm just doing this as a favour." He said, walking off and going back to the class, leaving me dumbstruck.

When I got home, I told my mum that Mr Urie had offered, and she thought it was a good idea, so she called the school and asked for Mr Urie.

Turns out that my first lesson is tomorrow. When school ends, I'm gonna have to stay and wait for Mr Urie.

Great, this is gonna be fun!

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