Chapter 2

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Picture of Ace at the top!

Bambi's P.O.V

"If your boys are sleeping, they can't be here," I deadpan at the very attractive man sitting on one of the lounge chairs, his two friends passed out beside him.

He turns to me and I can feel his heated stare traveling over my body. Sadly, I am used to it. I wait patiently for his crystal blue eyes to reach mine.

"Why not?" he asks, raising a perfectly shaped dark eyebrow.

"Because if they're sleeping, then they aren't watching, and if they aren't watching, they aren't paying," I inform him with a slight glare.

Those are the rules of Sin City. If someone passed out, they were to be taken out, because, well, I already said, they aren't watching and if they aren't watching, they aren't paying.

Midnight, the owner of Sin City, had drilled that rule into us ever since we all started. Everyone does this for the same reason, we are all in desperate need of money. Even though I'm technically the star, thanks to three years here-- and Midnight basically being my personal mentor-- I earned lots of money, but I made sure Midnight split it evenly. I didn't want to take all the money when all of the other strippers worked equally as hard.

"Bambi! Stop harassing our customers!" Angel, the club's slut hisses at me.

I look over at her, dressed in a common purple mini-and I mean mini-goddess costume, complete with gold bands around her wrists and matching sandals. She's not an everyday stripper, tonight she is only a waitress, but I still have the pleasure-note the sarcasm-of running into her.

"Those are the rules, I didn't make them. I just work here. Do I need to get Midnight and tell her about all of the rules you have broken while working," I remind her with a stern glare.

All the strippers know what she does. She sneels off with costumers and, well, you can guess what they do. She abandons her shifts, switches her pedestal assignments around, messing up the dances. She steels from some of the other girls, but I always try to make it up to them and give them some of my cut.

The only reason Angel is still allowed to work here, is because she comes for a very dangerous, very rich, and very evil family witg real power.

"I didn't think so," I smirk at her before turning back to the Black Haired Beauty that sits on the couch in front of me.

He is undeniably the most attractive man I have ever seen, with curly black hair and matching eyes that are framed by long dark lashes. His skin is tanned to perfection and he looks to be well over six foot with a very muscular build.

His friends are pretty good looking as well. The one with vodka in his limp hand has light red hair with pale skin and freckles dusted across his nose. The other, with his head on the other's shoulder, has dirty blonde hair and tan skin without a single marking on it. Both seem to be about the same height as the Black Haired Beauty, with similar builds. Neither of them are as good as the beautiful specimen that I had the privilege of talking too.

"Okay, okay, just let me get them up," the sound of his voice, snaps me out of my drooling.

I nod at him stiffly, before spinning around and smacking my shoulder against Angel, telling her not to do anything stupid.

"If you need a little extra fun...I get off at two," I heard her purr behind me.

The man would probably say yes. I mean, as much as I hate to admit it, Angel is pretty, beautiful even. She has the talent of getting men easily wrapped around her fingers and taking from them. She's great at manipulating the other sex. An awful life will do that to you.


Three hours later, I'm done for the night. I let out a sigh of relief as soon as I finish my last solo dance, before walking off stage and behind the curtains.

I head to my dressing station, and open up the drawers and pull out my outfit for my next job, before walking to the changing room. I quickly slip into the pair of black athletic shorts and pulled over my red sleeveless muscle tank top with the title Jim's Gym on the front over my left breast, and spread out over the back. It's the name of the gym I work at, cheesy I know, but it worked.

I walk back to my dressing station and grab makeup-removing wipes and clean off my face before pulling my hair back up into a high ponytail.

"Hey, Bambi, before you leave, here's your last paycheck," Midnight comes up and hands me a check, while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks," I say, looking down at the bill.

$2,500 isn't bad for this month, though it is still hard to make ends meet, even with this job and my other one at Jim's Gym as a self-defense trainer.

"How are you holding up?" she asks me, looking at me concerned.

Midnight is like the older sister I never had. She's in her mid-thirties and still a gorgeous African American with long braided black hair with dark brown eyes. She is around my height and is one of the nicest people I have ever met.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Are you getting enough sleep. I know you worked earlier before you came here, and now you are going back. It's only four in the morning, your first trainee isn't till around seven, correct?"

"Yes, but I still need to get there which takes me an hour, then I have to get everything set up and help out with anyone that needs help," I tell her with a small smile.

"You work too hard! Why won't you let me give you all the money you earn every night? Your life would be much easier."

"Because it isn't fair to the others, they work just as hard so we should get even pay, plus some of it needs to go back to the club," I shrug.

"Dear, you are way too nice to others," she shakes her head at me.

"Actually, I'm not. I'm only nice to people I respect, and I respect every...most girls at this club," I tell her, grabbing my small purse from my chair and tucking the bill safely into one of the many pockets.

"Okay, I'll let you head out. Please take tomorrow night off...well tonight off and get some much needed sleep," she pleads.

I'm about to argue, but realize she is right. I am exhausted. I've slept about three hours in the last 48 hours. It is not healthy and I know I'm about ready to collapse. I only had four trainees coming in today, then I can go home and collapse into my bed.

"Alright," I agree with a tired and grateful smile.

I really needed a break.

Not just from work, but from my life!

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