Who I Really Am

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~Eva POV~

As everyone looked at her, she seemed distracted by something. She lite her cigar and took a big hit. As she blow out the smoke she looked right at me.

"Who are you really?" She asked me, I stood there not saying a word. "That man here tonight definitely has a connection with you in more ways than one so please for argument sake. Who are you?" She asked again and I sighed while closing my eyes. But I could feel everyone's eyes on me, they never knew my past and now they will hear it.

"My real name is Roseanne SinClare. I was raised in a large home outside of London. I lived there with my mother, never knew my father. Until the night that man came into my home and murdered my mother. In front of me. I was only six years old when it happened but that night changed me forever." I said and she understood my pain. She also understood that no matter what we do, we can't change the past.

"I'm sorry that all of that happened to you but I still must know. Who was that man?" She asked and I looked right at her.

"That man......is my father." I said, I could tell everyone was shocked. To now find out that my father destroyed my life is a lot to take in. They didn't say a word, they only listened to us both. "Why have you suddenly become interested in my past life?" I asked her, she took another hit from her cigar.

"Because I believe you know an enemy of ours." She paused and looked down. "Do you know anyone named Alexander Anderson?" She asked looking straight at me. She wouldn't like my answer.

"Yes. Myself and the brothers know him. He was the one who trains as kids." I answered and I could feel Alucard's body shift. He understood now.

"Anderson wants Alucard dead but why not you? From what Alucard told me that man called you some strange things like devil and monster. So tell me why Anderson wouldn't kill you?Why are you so special to him?" She asked herself but of course she said it out loud.

"He's my uncle." I said, now everyone was shocked.

"Quite the family you have." Alucard said, I looked at him.

"Yes. My family is filled with messed up people and pain but this is my family and without all their flaws, I wouldn't be who I am." I said looking at Alucard. "That night my father too her life, set me on the path that led right here. Tell me why you are interested in my past? Why must you know my family connections?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"Because we need the help of Anderson and you're the only one who can speak to him. So my request is this, will you go and speak to Anderson, getting him to help us with your father." She asked me to speak to my uncle, who I haven't seen in years. Well this is a crazy request but why not.

"Sure I'll go to the Vatican and speak to my uncle." I said, Aric seemed worries about this.

"How do you know that he'll talk to you? I understand that he is your family but still, if your father wants you. Wouldn't he go for your uncle?" Aric asked me, I looked at him.

"That might be the case but if my memory serves me right. Uncle and father haven't been on good terms with each other so if he does go to uncle then it won't end well." I answered him, he still seemed worried. "So I'll go pack and take my leave." I said, leaving the room. Alucard followed her out. As I was walking down the hall I could feel him behind me. "Alucard please don't follow me." I softly spoke to the vampire as he stood behind me.

"Just promise me that you'll be careful out there." He whispered into my ear, I felt me cheeks heat up again.

"I'll try my best, my dear vampire." I whispered back and started walking again. He didn't follow this time instead he went to the roof again. He stared at the moon as it shines bright. I walked into my room to find Zen sitting on the bed waiting for me. I quickly noticed the two bags that were already packed. "Zen no." I said but he didn't listen.

"I'm going with you sensei. I'll protect you." Zen said as he stood up with the bag in hand. "So please let me go with me." He said, I sighed and took the bags out of his hands.

"Let's go." I said and we left the house. Going to Rome.

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