Day 30

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Soooooooooooooooo my fellow Whovians. Today is the day. The last day. The last day of the 30 Day Doctor Who Challenge. And I'm sad. I liked doing it. It was fun. Soooooooooooooo! Onto the last thing!

Favourite Scenery

Hmm. This is hard. I have no idea. Good scenery? As in the setting or something? I have no idea.

I could go for Darillium. Again. For line the third bloody time.

I doubt they have ant good pictures of Rokhandi.

The TARDIS is no. I'm sorry TARDIS.


I'm sorry. I ship TenRose all the way. This moment. The background and where they are (which I have no idea where they are) looks beautiful.

(I took a screenshot because it wouldn't download)

(I took a screenshot because it wouldn't download)

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This. Is. Amazing.

Soooooooooooooo that was the last day of the 30 Day Doctor Who Challenge! How did you people like it? Was it good? Did I fail miserably? I probably did.

So, bai!

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