Day 27

28 1 0

Least Favourite Villain

Hmmmmmmm. I don't know. I love all of them.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllll, there is one.

The Slithen.

I don't like them. Their chubby faces, and font get me wrong, I love chubby faces, but not theirs. And that bone they have on the side of their arm that isn't connected with skin, ugh. They way the look.

AND THEY FART!!!!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!

Well, it was only because they had to fit inside human skin. Human skin. Fat human skin. They took thr inerds (idk how to sppel) and used the skin. Ugh. I hate them.

And I'm not gonna give you nightmares with them, so no spam. Sorry.


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