Really Camillia

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In the last chapter I left you guys of with Camillia telling the rest of the girls that she wants her to meet her brother and his friends at her house over a sleepover!


Zayn's POV


"Camillia!"I yelled hoping my sister could hear me.

"Why are you yelling I'm in the room right next to you!" My sister said as she walked into my bedroom.

"When are your friends coming, I'm starting to get tired?" I said followed with a yawn.

"Oh naw brother don't start that, I'm gonna pick them up as soon as you guys are ready!"

Apparently my sister wants her friends to meet us, why I have no idea, I don't even think Camillia told them who we are!

Niall's POV


As I walk downstairs I hear two of my favorite people yelling across the house. Already knowing who it is I just quietly went back upstairs!

"Niall get down here now!" Yelled Zayn and Camillia!

"Dang!"I yelled under my breath

"What do you want with me?" I said walking into the room.

"Are you guys ready I mean you guys been taking forever in a day!" Said Camillia

"Harry, Liam, and Louis are you guys ready?" Camillia yelled looking at the ceiling.



Shayla's POV


"Where in the world is Camillia?" I asked all of the girls.

"I don't know but she need to hurry up!" Yndia said with an attitude.

Phone rings it's Camillia and Adji picks up

C: Hello

A: Hey, where are you

C: I'm waiting for my brothers and his friends to get ready! Are you guys ready?

A: Yea we are waiting on you

C: Well I should be there in bout 30 minutes, so be ready!

A: K bye

C: Wait make sure you guys look nice and bring extra clothes cause we all gonna go to the club later!

A: yea girl see you later!

Adji hangs up the phone

Adji POV


"Guys Camillia said she is gonna be here in 30 mins, and to bring extra clothes cause we are all gonna go to the club later!" I said walking up the stairs.

"Ok!" Everyone yelled!

Janet POV


Phone Rings, it's Camillia

J: Hi girl

C: Hey, um what is your gate code number

J: All this time you have been coming to my house and you still dint know what my gate code is!

C: Stop being smart and just tell me what it is

All This Time {One Direction}  ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now