Chapter Eight-Part Three

Start from the beginning

   Mo Yeon, who was in a wheelchair and helped by Yoon Mi, could not hide the great shock upon hearing the report, as she watched the video tapes of the ongoing battle captured by civilians on the television screen that was hung on the wall. She was not the only one feeling that way, for Yoon Mi, and the rest of the crowd that were glued to the television screen, were also feeling the same thing–confusion and shock. Among the crowd were a few of her own, and she could see the worried faces of her colleagues.

   She turned her attention away towards her direct left when she heard Aleya calling her name in English. Like her, Aleya too was feeling the same way. Mo Yeon assumed that Aleya had already heard about it. However, a deeper look into Aleya's eyes somehow showed something else.


   "Dr Kang.." She called Mo Yeon's name the second time, in which during that moment, she was already inches away from the wheelchair-bound doctor. Yoon Mi turned Mo Yeon around to face Aleya upon her request. The young intern did as ordered. Then, in a move somewhat unexpected by Mo Yeon and Yoon Mi, Aleya suddenly crouched in front of Mo Yeon, as if Aleya's in a position to ask for forgiveness. "Dr Kang, we need to talk, now!" Aleya spoke in a tone that can be considered close to whispering, but for sure it was demanding in tone.

   It was for sure inciting curiosity in Mo Yeon, who began to wonder why Aleya was using that tone. Not long ago the both of them had reconciled, and now Aleya was trying to be demanding? Wait, that was strange. "What is it, Dr Athena?" Mo Yeon asked, being very careful enough to use Aleya's second name.

   "It's very important. We need–"

   Aleya was rudely interrupted by the sound of frantic footsteps. When Aleya, Mo Yeon and Yoon Mi together with the crowd glanced at the direction of the footsteps, they saw Si Jin and his fellow officers appearing in the vicinity. The soldiers' attentions were immediately directed to the news, with Si Jin apparently oblivious that Mo Yeon was just nearby. The three doctors could see the tensed faces of the soldiers,a clear indication of an event so major was already happening before their eyes.

   Mo Yeon was about to call him, when all of the sudden, the entire complex seemed to vibrate. Some loud, ear-drumming sounds of supersonic boom echoed in the air as the sounds apparently flew past and directly above them. The sounds were enough to divide the attention of the people in the complex, as two more familiar sounds of jets flew past them. The sounds were not so loud that it can even shatter roof tiles, but rather a distanced one yet still very close. Instinctively, everyone looked up to the ceiling, as if they could see through the wall the events unfolding outside.

   For Si Jin and his men, the sounds were all too familiar for them, and also the most worrying. Some distance away from the capital city, laid an airbase. Si Jin knew on the spot that those three streaking fighter jets that flew past the hospital came from that airbase to the South, and those jets apparently were in a hurry. This case would only happen in times of conflict, or whenever an emergency broke out. For the jets to fly past them in breakneck speed was a cause for concern for Si Jin and his men, for it could only mean one thing–a war had broken out.

   Si Jin wished to himself that he hadn't have much brains to figure what was going on very precisely, when the news was interrupted by what apparently was an address from the Prime Minister of Uruk. Everyone's attention was brought back to the television screen as the live telecast broadcasting from the Government House was shown. The acting chief of state took centre stage, as he began his address.

   As usual, the Prime Minister, with his solemn look that looked like he hadn't sleep for days, began with his formal greetings to his countrymen, and then to this, and then to that. It looked like it was going to be a rather long speech, based on the speed he was talking, but in reality, it wasn't so. After a few moments, the leader went straight to the point, by announcing the words that Si Jin and his fellow men, and most probably, the entire UN mission, had never wished but had dreaded for so long.

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