That Foreign Word

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Warning, this may or may not be the end of the story.

Six months later....
Nicki POV
Location: Penitentiary

"I can't believe that we are actually getting out this early!" I squealed. 

"Daddy has her ways." She smirked. She hugged me and I looked around before sneaking a quick kiss. They've been watching us like crazy to make sure me and bey ain't fuckin. Bey says its nun of their business and I shouldn't care, but I want to get out of this hell hole, and if I have to stop kissing and touching on bey then so be it.

"Onika Maraj, Beyon-

"I dare you to say my government name. Say it!" She snapped. I don't know what's up with bey and the warden, but every time they around each other bey tenses up and just start snapping on her.

"Bey calm down." I said stroking her arm.

"Stop touching each other!" She scolded us. I rolled my eyes as we went to the processing room. I don't know how bey got us out but I'm sure as hell thankful. I need a knew start. I'm grown now, so I can do what I please. I don't have to go back to my parents and I don't have to sneak around with bey.

8 hours later.....
Beyonce's House
Beyonce POV

I unlocked my house door an instantly took in a breath of fresh air. I missed my house so much. I looked back at Onika. She had this smirk on her face.

"What?" I asked returning the same smirk.

"Nun." She said smiling big. She hugged me and I hugged her back. She kissed my lips and I instantly pulled away.

"My breath stink?" She asked frowning covering her mouth.

I chuckled.

"No. I just really need to talk to you." I said grabbing her hand taking her to the couch.

"What is it?" She asked sitting down facing me.

"I need you to be honest, are you in love with me?" I asked.

She looked at me then frowned.

"Of course I love you, why are you asking me this?" She asked.

"When we were in jail, I got to thinking.....about a lot. I just need to get this off my chest." I said. I'm planning on telling her everything that happened, including my intimate relationship with the Warden.

"I'm listening." She said.

"Nicki, I'm no good for you. I honestly feel that I don't d-

"Baby don't say-

"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking." I said. She nodded.

"I think I made a mistake taking you. You didn't deserve to be held hostage nor forced to do anything you didn't want to. I feel like I violated you. When I was sitting in prison I thought about how innocent you were. You didnt belong in there with me. I got you caught up in my own bullshit. You were supposed to be off trying to educate yourself and wanting to do better than your family did. But I ruined that chance for you by giving you a jail record. and I wanna tell you I'm sorry.-

"No bey it's fine I needed yo-

"I said don't interrupt me."  She was now in tears. I wiped her tears away but more started to fall.

"Don't cry Onika. I've been wanting to tell you something for a while now, and I hope that after I tell you, you'll find it in your heart to forgive me, even though I may not deserve it. I'm trying to change Nic I really am, but under certain circumstances, I had to do certain things, certain things that I wished I'd never agreed to. Before you transferred to the penitentiary.... I started having sexual inter course with the Warden." I said as her eyes grew big. Her tears stopped falling and now her face was left emotionless.

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