When It Comes To Nicki

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Nicki POV

"Yea I don't care at the moment. Can you please get off of me." I said lowly.

She grabbed my face once more.

"Ok you are really getting a little too comfortable with This touching thing you got going on." I said getting mad.

"Shut the fuck up Onika. I gave you a choice and picked to be with me. I can easily replace you with one of the other girls and you'd be sleeping with different men. Would you rather that?" she asked.

I nodded my head no. She gripped my face harder.

"Speak." she said.

"No ma'am." I said.

"Oh and from now on, refer to me as daddy." she says.

"Um no." I say.


She's really testing me right now. I reached for her neck and gently grip it.

"Stop! what are you doing?" she asked.

"Ima bout to show you a little bit of what I'm capable of and why you should fear me if you don't accept what the fuck I'm saying. Your body is no longer yours to have a say on. It is mines and I say what the fuck can happen and will happen with it. So if I were you Onika, I'd chose wisely on my responses to me. do I make myself clear?" I asked gripping her neck still.

"Yes daddy." She said with an attitude looking me in my eyes.

I bit her neck hard and begin to suck on it leaving hickies. I hear her moan lowly but I can tell it was by accident. I rub all over her body to her boob and lift her shirt up. I bite my lip and she closes her eyes reaching to cover her face.

"What are you doing?" I asked moving her hands. She doesn't look at me but instead she looks down.

"Onika?" I call for her to answer.

"I'm insecure." She says lowly.

Nicki POV

"I don't know why. You have an amazing body that I would love to stare at and fuck all day and night. Listen, I don't want to force you because I want you to enjoy when daddy got this tongue deep inside that pussy making your walks tense up, cumming all over my tongue cuz I bet you taste just as good as you look. What you be eating on? Pineapples?" She asked circling her finger around my nipple.

She making me so damn horny it's sad. I laughed.

"No, I just eat what ever comes to mind." I say.

She nods and slowly goes down towards my nipple and began to trace her tongue around it. I shiver and she smirks. Did I mention she had her tongue pierced? it felt so good but I didn't want her doing it, but at the same time, what choice do I have?

She picked me up and wrapped my legs around her waist and carried me to a couch. She laid me down and climbed on top of me and began to kiss me. At one point in time I ended up kissing back. She asked for entrance surprisingly and I granted it, sliding her tongue in my mouth and running it across the roof of my mouth. We kissed for a while and I let out a moan and break the kiss.

"Your a good kisser." I said.

"Thank you, I try my best." she chuckles.

"Tonight, you will be sleeping I'm my room. And be ready to give me what I ask for. I mean I would just fuck you right now but since you a virgin in all, I wanna take it slow and I want you to have a good first experience." She says.

I gulp and nodded my head. I'm scared as shit but at the same time knowing that she would take it slow and let me enjoy it made me feel relieved.

"Ok cool." she says kissing me one more time and gets off of me. I crossed legs and cleared my throat.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"No ma'am.. I mean daddy." I say quickly. She smirks and walks to the door.

"Ill be back I have to do something. Trey will keep you company while I'm out and make sure you don't run away. Ill be back in 5." she said laughing.

She walks out and trey comes in. I rolled my eyes considering the fact that when I first met him, we kinda got off on the wrong foot. 

"Onika." he says.

"Trey." I say.

He sits down in front of me.

"So what you and boss lady got going on?" he asked.

"Um I'm sure if you were supposed to know she would tell you and she didn't, so on to the next question." I said.

He chuckled.

"What I tell you about talking to me like you crazy?' he asked standing back up. He walks over to the door and close it. I look at him crazy and raise an eyebrow.

"Nigga no open that damn door." I said.

He walks over to me and pulls me into him. I struggle to get away.

"Let go of me the fuck is you doing?" I asked still pulling away.

He yanks me up and I stop. he leans down and kisses my lips and grab my ass.

"Damn you gotta fat ass." he says.

"Bey's going to kill you if you don't get your fucking hands off of me!" I yell.

"Mhm whatever." he says as he unzips his pants. He guides me to the couch and lays me down and begin to grind on me.

"Get off!" I scream. He still doesn't listen and I start to cry.

"Please don't." I whimpered.

"Shut up." he says grabbing my neck.

We hear Bey's heels coming down the hall and he gets up and fixes his self.

"Don't you say shit to her." he says. She enter the room and look at me then him.

"Trey go fix your problem." she say pointing to the bulged in his pants in disgust.

He walks out.

"I swear I don't like niggas. They disgust me. Ugh." she says shivering.

She looks at me.


I see Nicki crying and I walk over to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." she says.

"Lie to me again." I glare.


"He what?" I asked.

I get a clue in my head and get mad.

"Onika did he hit you?" I asked.

She shakes her head no.

"Then what? did he say something to you?" I asked.

She looks at me and talks.

"He tried to rape me and when you came back he told me not to tell." She said.

"Are you serious?" I ask getting mad.

She nods her head.

Nicki POV.

I can see the vein that ran down beys forehead as she processed what I was saying to her.

"Ill be back." she smiled and it quickly faded as she got up and headed for the door grabbing her gun.

"TREY!" I hear her yell. 


Ᏸeynika: No Escape*CompleteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora